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Everything posted by SuperDre

  1. thanx, it seems to have worked.. i'm just using find, and I'm removing ALL references to it..
  2. Hmmm.. sadly it doesn't seem to work, as I still have the 'Defraggler' right click command even though the option is turned off (I also had it deselected during installation of the new version, I just installed it over the previous version). Maybe it doesn't work correctly if it's already installed (or installed as 'all users'), or maybe I first have to restart my system (which is at this time not possible because it's doing some compression for me)..
  3. Yes, I noticed it yesterday when I downloaded the new version, thanx for adding the option to the new version..
  4. I just installed Defraggler again (I reinstalled my OS) and I didn't turn the shell extention off in the installer, but I really don't want it on my rightclick menu's in my explorer. I looked under the settings in Defraggler, but there was no option to turn it off again.. Please add this to the next release, because it's not good you can turn it on during installation, but not turn it off.. Or at least tell me how to remove it from the shell..
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