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Posts posted by Twood

  1. CC does delete some, as I've just removed one with it. I think it was in Cached Feeds. I too have added PrivacIE\*.* to my includes, as it seems to grow whether you use IE explicitly or not. Whilst I don't expect CC to remove all the Index.dat files from my pc, what it does do is rather vague.




    Thanks. I noticed that the ''IETldCache'' contains informations on sites you visited. I think it would be interesting to have it cleaned for security and privacy purpose.

  2. Am using IE8 on a pc running Windows 7, 64 bits. After cleaning with CCleaner, I noticed the following files were not deleted and still contained information of no use for any ordinary surfer.


    c:\users\ username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IETldfCache\Low\index.dat


    c:\users\ username\PrivacIE\index.dat


    Am I missing something in the settings, or CCleaner does not clean those files? I added the second one in the section ''Advance'' and it worked. It does not work for the first one listed. Any suggestion?

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