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  1. I get the email message about a reply to a topic that I posted which states "If you have configured in your control panel to receive immediate topic reply notifications, you may receive an email for each reply made to this topic. Otherwise, only 1 email is sent per board visit for each subscribed topic. This is to limit the amount of mail that is sent to your inbox." My question is this...where do I find this "control panel"? I have searched the Piriform forums and can't find out how to access this control panel to configure it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Hi MrRon...don't know how many votes you will get but if people would read this forum, I bet you would get a lot. An example of paper waste...I ran Speccy on my wife's laptop, my laptop and my desktop and sent all the reports from the 3 computers to my printer and I had well over 100 pages of printout. I would guesstimate that over 80% of the pages were from the HOTFIXES section alone. Speccy in my opinion is a fantastic program and I will continue to use it. However, I will not print out the report because of the amount of wasted paper. This sort of defeats the purpose of running Speccy. PLEASE provide the option of skipping printing of certain sections of the report. Thanks for your consideration! Godfrey
  3. Nergal...thanks for the quick response. Is there any way to elevate the suggestion to "print selected portions of the report" to the developers/programmers in the Speccy group of Piriform? Thanks, Godfrey
  4. First of all, I am a newbie to this forum and am impressed by this program. I downloaded SPECCY v1.09.231 and after SPECCY was completed, I printed the results using the File --> Print funtion. I ended up with over 50 plus pages of printed material. Most of it was in the print of the OPERATING SYSTEM, HOTFIXES section. There was approximately over 30 to 40 pages of HOTFIXES that printed. My question is how can I print out the full report minus the HOTFIXES section of the report? Thanks
  5. First of all, I am a newbie to this forum and am impressed by this program. I downloaded SPECCY v1.09.231 and after SPECCY was completed, I printed the results using the File --> Print funtion. I ended up with over 50 plus pages of printed material. Most of it was in the print of the OPERATING SYSTEM, HOTFIXES section. There was approximately over 30 to 40 pages of HOTFIXES that printed.
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