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Posts posted by A_Pickle

  1. So, I was fixing a computer belonging to the father of a friend of mine. I have a pretty set routine when fixing computers, and I proceeded as usual. Install Windows, install drivers, install applications, install updates, restore backup data, run CCleaner and then Defraggler.


    CCleaner's "Cleaner" portion is working just fine -- however, the "Registry" portion is giving me a few "Unused File Extension" entries that just... don't jive with what I've done. For one, it's listing .iso, .cue, and .img as several of them, when in fact I know that each of these is associated with InfraRecorder (a disc burning program).


    It's odd. I've had file extension problems caused by CCleaner in the past, but it was long ago.

  2. Thanks! I received a prompt reply from Piriform, saying that I am in the clear to do this for my clients provided that I do not charge for the software. I charge for the service of repair and construction of PC's, which is acceptable. I'd advise any users doing the same thing kroozer suggested, to e-mail Piriform directly about this issue just so that they have their own copy of Piriform's permission to distribute the software.


    Piriform, you rock. Keep on making this software, it's great.

  3. Hi!


    I'm starting a technology services company which will mainly focus on repairing and building PC's for people, but also does wireless and home network setups. We want our PC's (both ones we build and ones we repair) to be extremely functional from the get-go while also excelling in usability. I feel that pretty much everyone agrees that the HPs and Dells of the world come with far too much software pre-installed, and this software is typically resource-heavy AND offers limited functionality in hopes that the user purchases a more "feature complete" version. CCleaner (in my mind) does far more than does Windows built-in "Disk Cleanup," and Defraggler is a great disk defragmentater with a nice user interface and great results. They're also schedule-able through the command line, which is pretty nice.


    Anyways, I note that the EULAs for CCleaner and Defraggler aren't General Public Licenses, which automatically permit the requests I'm about to put forth: Can I freely pre-install CCleaner and Defraggler onto computers that I build and/or repair for customers of mine in a commercial capacity? IE, could I, for a PC that I build myself and receive monetary compensation for, freely pre-install CCleaner and Defraggler onto it for my customer to use?

  4. For each Piriform product, choose the final download on the Builds page, which is the Slim version, toolbar-free.


    For example, Defraggler Builds...

    That's all fine and dandy, but I'm more concerned about my users -- specifically, the people whom I fix computers for. They don't know any better, but they do know to update their software. I've told them that updates fix software bugs, patch security vulnerabilities, and sometimes improve the program's feature set.


    Unfortunately, I can't do that with Piriform's software -- I usually disable the "Automatically check for updates for <insert Piriform software product here>" because if I don't, the user will probably download the newest version of CCleaner, click "Next," "Next," "Next," and "Finish" and then suddenly end up with a nefarious, vertical-pixel-eating, useless toolbar in their browsers. It'd be nice if update installations to Piriform products could "remember" the original installation settings, or if there were simply a built-in, automatic software updater in each Piriform application.


    Just my ramblings, though... and a shameless bump to this post which I think could use a little more feedback from the user/developer community. I'm really quite interested in how Defraggler handles sleeping in different operating systems.

  5. Hey guys.


    First I'd like to start by saying that I'm a longtime fan of Piriform software. I imagine that you receive frequent compliments for your software, which you should. I would like to add to that collection of compliments, by saying that you guys write some of the best software on Windows. Not just some of the best freeware, some of the best software*. Most for-profit Windows software doesn't remotely hold a candle to how well your software runs nor, obviously, how affordable it is.


    Piriform: You are no small part of the greater effort to bring the power and utility of personal computing to the mainstream in a secure, reliable way. Thank you for all that you do. I recently found $20.00 in my inactive PayPal account. I donated $10.00 of it to Wikipedia, because I feel that what they do isn't just useful or important to the internet, it's useful and important to all of humanity. Well, I wasn't sure who to donate the other $10.00 to, but I think I've figured it out. It's not much, but it's what I've got.




    I've recently made it my quest to get my computers to:

    1. Maintain themselves, e.g. update the OS and anti-malware automatically, run anti-malware scans automatically, defragment the disk drives automatically, and clean out temporary files automtically. These are routine tasks that must be accomplished on a semi-regular basis to keep a computer running swift and enjoyably.
    2. Save power. It doesn't make any sense for me to leave my computer on for ANY extended length of time when I'm not using it -- it raises my power bill, it doesn't actually do anything, and it saves natural resources.


    My computers are set to sleep after 20 minutes of inactivity. Nonetheless, I want them to wake themselves up to perform their own maintenance tasks -- which isn't hard to do with the Windows Task Scheduler. Here's the tricky part, though: Sometimes the task doesn't complete before the computer goes to sleep. Hard drives are big these days, and as a result, it takes a long time for my anti-malware scan and my defragmentation pass to complete. Usually, the computer goes to sleep before it finishes -- which introduces a whole can of worms into my quest.


    I've looked into other free disk defragmentation programs, such as MyDefrag. The developers allege that MyDefrag prevents the computer from sleeping when it runs its scheduled defrag, which is exactly what I need. Unfortunately, the user interface of MyDefrag is, while functional, a far cry from the combined ease and informative nature of Defraggler's interface. Does Defraggler behave in a similar manner, preventing the computer from sleeping during a defrag operation? If not, then does df.exe automatically quit when it has completed a command line defrag operation (for example, "df.exe C:\")?


    All I really want to do is have my computer automatically defragment its disks once a week in the middle of the night, and have it go to sleep when it's done. Ideas?




    PS: As much praise as I give, I must also dole out criticism. I do not wish to insult or offend with my criticism, I merely offer my criticism because if I don't, I deny you the opportunity of addressing it. You (Piriform) have earned much more praise than criticism... but I do have one minor qualm with your software: That damnable Yahoo! Toolbar. With you being a freeware development company, I can understand the need for alternative sources of income... but it distributing your software with the Yahoo! Toolbar is paradoxical. Your software cleans computers of junk and makes them run well.


    The Yahoo! Toolbar is an example of that junk. It offers very little functionality (if any) that any free, modern, and up-to-date browser doesn't already do -- in fact it takes functionality. It confuses users by making them think that they should use the Yahoo-provided and Yahoo-only search field on the toolbar, rather than the customizable, any-search field provided. It reduces the number of vertical pixels that the user has to view web content, and with the popularity of displays with a 16:9 aspect ratio, vertical pixels are getting harder and harder to come by.


    Again, I get why you guys do it. I can't find fault because I understand the need for income, and the Yahoo! Toolbar is an easy route of income that doesn't harm your clients' computers. It just doesn't help them, either, which is why I'd like to see it go (but I understand if, by CCleaner 2.28, I still have to uncheck the "Install the Yahoo! Toolbar!" box during the update process).

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