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  1. Speccy is great and useful and mostly crystal and i do love and appreciate freebees. If my wife ever lightens up i will donate. Is it unfair to ask the meaning of terms used? When Speccy finds my Monitor "enabled", that's clear. "primary", clear. But "unsafe"? I want to know what unsafe means. everything works/looks good/does what i want. So what's unsafe? I would be most grateful to anyone who could clear this up for me or let me know how dumb i am or suggest an appropriate forum. Thank you in advance. newbe
  2. mardo

    speccy find

    Under graphics monitor state Speccy lists enabled,primary,unsafe. what does this mean? What in graphics monitor is unsafe? I have no problems that I know of...everything seems to work ok. i have real time virus protection,update regularly and run ccleaner daily. What am I missing this time? Thank you anyone in advance. marty
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