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Everything posted by Hubird

  1. File has now been removed, thanks. I hope it helps, the HDD info was what I was most interesed in
  2. I ran C:\Program Files\Speccy\Speccy64.exe /debug The Speccy dmp and log files are 35.5mb compressed and I can't attach a file of that size to the forum. You can download the file from the following link: http://www.adrive.com/public/3727f61b95c4865eb7159e303719d5099eed6a47b47e41dcf620cbe85b408605.html If one of the mods / devs could let me know when the file is safe to remove it would be appreciated.
  3. My PC does not blue screen, speccy crashes. The dmp files I mention are in the speccy folder. I ran it in debug mode unticking items until it would load successfully and it seems to be related to the detection of my hard disks (when I untick "AnalyzeHD Data" it loads without crashing). I looked trough the logs created but they all seem to be about my ATI video card. I am running Win7 x64, see my board spec here. Perhaps Speccy does not like RAID ? Did stand out.
  4. I tried speccy when it was first released and it did not work for me and I recently treid it again and it still does not work. Short after launching it crashes. I would send the dmp files to help solve this problem but they are over 100mb each ! Any thoughts ?
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