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Posts posted by Silkworm

  1. Just a quick note to apologise for my rant...I was rather upset at the time of writing! I actually don't know if CCleaner caused the problem. It was either that or XP Anti-Spy. I've removed both...and did a system repair via the recovery console. No further problems..all file ext.'s as they should be.


    CCleaner may well be worth using, when I have time to read the fine-print ( and know how to use it ) I will have another go.


    Regarding re-starting 'puter...*ahem*..yes I did try that ( not entirely computer illiterate..lol ). The software I use to work from home is a proprietary software designed by my employer ( I'm a teleservices contractor - patient support programs ). To receive inbound calls, I need to first log-in to their portal..and also connect to their VPN. When attempting to receive data batches via portal, my installation didn't recognise the data ( thus didn't download it ).


    Anyway, problem is fixed. When I decide to have another go with CCleaner, I'll know where to go :)





    Ps. Silkworm is she, not a he !

  2. Why has CCleaner changed a lot of my program file ext.'s to .Ink ??? Actually, scratch the question....I don't really need an answer, as I won't be using this Crap software again. I am _really_ annoyed that this software has changed my file ext.'s. Working from home means that the software I use for work, now doesn't recognise files on the network ! Really not happy...CCleaner is removed. I sure hope that file ext's revert back to normal after re-boot!

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