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Posts posted by Arnold

  1. Just tried to upgrade to the new version 2.06 -- SAME ISSUES. Defragging a folder is glacially slow on Windows 7 64-bit. Reverting to Defraggler version 2.02 makes the folder defragmentation go very quickly. Note that both versions found the same number of fragmented files, and reported the same total file sizes. The only difference appears to be that versions after 2.02 don't work at an acceptable speed.

  2. Well, as far as a slow defrag process goes, here is my story.


    I am an update freak so I always keep software I use at its newest version. When updating from version 2.02 to 2.03 I noticed a dramatic decrease in defrag performance. So I figured something must have changed either in Defraggler itself or in my system. Not being able to figure out something substantial for the 2.03 changelog and my system remaining pretty much the same, I went back to version 2.02 and lo and behold defrag performance was back to what it used to be.


    Seeing that the original post is dated April 28, you have surely being using a 2.02+ version of Defraggler. My suggestion would be to download version 2.02.253 and try it out, comparing defrag speed. You can find earlier versions at Filehippo's Defraggler page.


    Btw, I am not really sure if I should report this as a bug or not, or if developers need any more information about my system or anything, since I don't know how widespread this drop in performance is. It may well have been just an issue with Defraggler and my system. I would gladly provide info if it would help though.

    It's not just on your system, I've been experiencing the exact same issue since version 2.03. Tried upgrading to 2.05 yesterday, same story, and once again I've had to revert to version 2.02 in order to get decent speed. No idea what might be causing this problem but I hope the developers will address it in a future version. Defraggler has become pretty much unusable on Windows 7 x64.

  3. Recuva has been working fine for me except in one respect: it doesn't remember the "Check For Update" setting. I have that unchecked, yet every two weeks like clockwork it tries to connect to Piriform.com and looks for an updated version. I've tried checking then unchecking the box again, I've tried changing the setting manually by editing the INI file, but nothing turns it off. Please look into this.

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