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Ewing Fox

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  1. I had initiated the deep scan.... she had selected the same drive. I assume that the program overwrote the deleted files as recova did its thing... Any hopes of a recovery? any advanced tools?? file recovery tools designed to recover data deleted with 3 pass algorithms... *thats why I use the dod 7 pass* Ewing Spinrite uses an algorithm to reorganize broken files.... think re-creating a chess game when the table is bumped... part math and part intelligent assumption. The issue is that data is assigned to new physical locations on the platter, so I don't think that would be good.
  2. My client accidentally deleted over 45 thousand photos of her *ahem* obsession (a young tennis star) and called me nearly in tears... I came over and fired up recuva, set it to do a deep scan and left with instructions for her to let it sit. I came back later and discovered that she attempted to "follow the bouncing ball" but could not find any recovered files. I re-ran the program and it found the 45k files again, but this time no previews were available when viewed in recuva. I recovered all of them, but all files are now broken... unviewable. Any suggestions? I was considering yanking the drive and running spinrite, but am nervous to do anything that may disrupt the disk any more... The client is pro-bono, but I still want to help her... Thanks in advance Ewing Fox email address removed by moderator to avoid spamming
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