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Everything posted by lukis

  1. I tried to install "InCD" v4.07 on a vista Laptop to make the DVD-RW to write & delete files like I did on my XP desktop but, Vista will not accept this InCD. Is there an InCD or equivalent to put on Vista? thanx ..........nick
  2. Thanx, just got the link OK. First was from the laptop HD but now tried my desktop XP C:\ on my spare HD which I cleaned up completely with "Maxblast" & used both Barte & Linux ones several times. I just get : "GRUB Loading Stage1.5." & just hungs there. So much for backups really, if you lost your HD completely & could not load it all on a new one. .............nick
  3. Yes I will BUT, Unfortunately the restore failed with error :- GRUB Stage 1.5, & tried it with keepold, use same & do not change MBR, nothing helps. the uncompressed Reflect file is 62gb & the directory is 160gb. any ideas ? ..........nick PS the link did not work
  4. SOLVED the barte, but Linux one is easier ......nick
  5. I am terribly sorry if I offended you, it was not meant to be so. Thank you very much for your help & the effort you put into it, which unfortunately it fell on hard rock as I am too old & thick to understand & still unable to backup. ......nick
  6. "............will create a new partition on the target ........", so if there is a windows installed on target, the restore will create another lot ending up with 2 windows installed, creating the problem of how to get rid of the first one. I thought the idea was to override all old rubbish & give me a clean system as the backup. perhaps I am confusing you? .......nick
  7. Thanx Denis, that did it.
  8. "...........to return your System Drive to the exact state ............", can this be done on a different HD provided it is big enough?. Do you have to delete all on the receiving HD? or leave it as it is with whatever it has on & will be ovewritten.
  9. After messing up an old pata 80gb HD ended up with 2 boot options, both Windows. The first boots OK but, the second says missing file, <Windows Root> system32\hal.dll I looked there & hall.dll exists. I searched for boot.ini, where perhaps could delete the second boot, but there is not one. Any adeas please? ........nick
  10. Thanx Denis, ExcelStor Technology 260GB HD 238.73 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity 168.77 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space Perhaps am doing something wrong, I used the create image of entire disk. How do you use it to get 13gb. When you restore it will it get the registry file as was with all the prgrams recognised & working, or will have to reinstall all programs again?. Also how do you restore it on same or another HD, do you have to delete all first, format it, install windows first or what?, as you see am totaly confused with these operations. .....nick EDIT....... and have 5 paritions
  11. Hi, I tried the Macrium backup & end up with 52 or 31 GB file to store, which is too large for CD/DVD or partitions on my HD. As an OAP external drive is expensive. Is this backup only for Companies? thanx ......nick
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