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Everything posted by Andante

  1. (Hope I'm not posting this twice - I'm new to this forum, and my connection went down during my first attempt.) Recuva always seems to say "no preview available" for BMP files, even for non-deleted ones. Can anyone tell me why this is please? Thanks.
  2. Thanks DennisD, I understand now, thanks.
  3. Hi, I've just started using Recuva. Sorry if this question is a bit basic, but I can't find any mention of this in the help. The stats shown at the bottom of the Recuva window at the end of a run show the number of files found, and then in brackets the number of files ignored. Why are some files ignored? They don't seem to be files excluded by the options I've set - if they were, you'd expect the total of files found + files excluded to always add up to the same number, the number of files on the disk. But sometimes I get zero ignored, sometimes over 100,000, and I can't see any pattern to it. Thanks.
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