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  1. Hi All I am new to this site and am very upset. For years i have used C Cleaner and it was working great in Vista. Like a lot more we shelled out ?70 odd to buy the latest Windows 7 but they do not tell you that most of your programmes wont work. I even tried to load and run the new C Cleaner last night downloaded it ok but when i try and run it all i get is Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file Thats it red light, no go, kaput so too are a 80% of my nasty killers only spy bot works. So changing over has stopped me using a lot of programmes that i have paid a lot of money for. Windows 7 might be the bees knees but it looks like back to vista i go. Like i have said it just aint the same without C Cleaner would like to hear your comments PS Also gone are Real player photo shop Nero and many more.
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