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Posts posted by bimmerdriver

  1. I have a 70 GB drive with around 15 GB of freespace. The freespace is mostly fragmented within 30 GB region with the largest area being aroung 10 GB. When I try to defragment the freespace (not allowing fragmentation), degraggler occasionally moves a few small files (temporary internet files) but does basically nothing. Strangely, it doesn't even move all of the temporary internet files into the smaller fragments of freespace. It does not attempt to shuffle any file areas to consolidate the freespace. Is that the way this feature is supposed to work? If so, it doesn't make much sense.

  2. I have some comments about Defraggler. I'm running the latest version, v1.14.159. Overall it's a pretty decent utility, but it has some strange behaviour.


    1. Defrag freespace doesn't work very well. It leaves lots of holes in the freespace and it sometimes causes files to become fragmented, even if the option to not allow fragmentation is selected.


    2. It doesn't defragment / consolidate C:\$Extend\$UsnJrnl:$J. This file is not reported in the list of fragmented files, but if I select a block, it shows up as having 103 fragments, scattered all over the drive. Why doesn't this file show up in the list of fragmented files and why doesn't it get defragmented? It appears to be the primary cause of freespace fragmentation.


    3. There should be an option to defragment / consolidate or relocate all of the files in a folder.


    4. It doesn't defrag $MFT. There are 3 fragments and it won't consolidate them.


    5. There should be an option to move selected files to the end of the drive, such as pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys.


    6. When you search for all files larger than a certain size, it doesn't find all of the files. I tried searching for files larger than 250MB and Windows Search found 12 files, not counting $MFT. Defraggler only found 7 including $MFT. How can it miss several GB sized files?


    7. On my system, pagefile.sys is near the end of the drive, but there is approximately 2 GB of freespace at the end of the drive, which appears to have several partially filled blocks randomly distributed throughout the otherwise empty region. When I try to select these blocks to see what they contain, nothing shows up as if they are actually empty.


    8. If I select a block, then click on the name of a file in the block, it doesn't highlight the file.


    9. It should be possible to copy a folder name so it can be used to search for all of the files it contains.


    Like I said, this is a decent utility, maybe one of the best, but it would be even better if the above items were fixed.

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