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Everything posted by Ticky

  1. I wonder if someone could give me an answer to the following question please? After running Recuva on a recently reformatted hard drive using the -- "Scan for non-deleted files (for recovery from damaged or reformatted disks) -- option, I found a large number of files and e-mails going back many years. As I wish to securely overwrite these I ?checked? all the files, right-clicked on the mouse to bring up the Options Menu - and found that both the options to carry out the overwrite procedure were 'greyed' out and unavailable. Could you tell me please if there is a 'bug' in the program stopping this, or is it just not possible to use the overwrite procedure in this case for a specific reason - and if there is no bug or reason, tell me how to go about it. Many thanks Ticky (A 'newbie' to this forum)
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