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Monkey Proof

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Posts posted by Monkey Proof

  1. hmm, i'm willing to bet that you got something from myspace. that place is evil in many ways....thats why i deleted my account long ago, and i didnt want to be ascociated with anything to do with myspace...you know, giving my carreer field.

  2. and spyware doctor has proven to be crap anyways..almost earning a spot on Eric Howes anti-spyware list of rogue applications for dubious practices concerning the numerous false positives...scare tactics

  3. i never downloaded Site Advisor it self..i just visit their home page when needed and enter whatever URL into the search block thingy.


    also i heard that if you actualy have it installed it phones home to McAfee with every web site that you visit. to me thats just too much into my business.

  4. i think for my purposes having FireFox and Adblock Plus with the Filter G is good enough. if i need to visit a questionable website i'll visit McAfee's SiteAdvisor first and type in the URL just to check it out.

  5. Well it does more than just block ads but thats the most noticeable thing to users. Its just another quick and easy way to add just another security layer that dosen't take any system recources.




    oh?..doesnt take any extra resources?...hmm, now i might be interested...but just a little.


    i think i'll do more research on host files.

  6. im not familair with your brand of router, in fact i never heard of it before. if you browse around the link that i provided above you can see if you can download or at least read a user manual for your router.

  7. EDIT: haha, i didnt realize you got it...disregard this post.



    try using this IP:


    and using this for the username and password if you get that far,


    User Name: guest

    Password: guest

  8. ok..type in into your browser and then click Go, that should bring up a page asking for a user name and password which is listed below



    ZSR0104CP (Grey color)

    User Name: admin

    Password: admin


    ZSR0104CP-05 (Blue color)

    User Name: guest

    Password: guest



  9. what brand is your router?


    you can try going to My Network Places and seeing if there is anything there, if your router is listed in a folder then terrific..click on that folder. but you will need a Username and Password to view your settings, thats why we need to know what brand your router is.

  10. here is are two quotes from Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) from the recent Senate Commerce Committee Hearings on net neutrality provisions.


    "I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?"


    "And if you don't understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material."

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