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  1. Good Morning, As a newcomer I would appreciate your assistance: A German computer magazine has recently put Defraggler at the top of their list. Following that I installed it on my machine running with a Vista Home edition for about 18 months now with no major complaints. After installation I got the message "Processing aborted: No access", regardless of the drive or partition I had previously marked for defragmentation. I suspect the following might be the reason, although I don?t know the remedy: Soon after an update with "Service Pack 2", Vista applied a constant defragmentation of all partitions with no stopping, which has never happened before. All trials directly applied to Vista?s defragmentation window itself were to no avail in order to stop this. Even an operating system replay (on "C") with Acronis 11 from a rescue file I had established a month ago (prior to the Service Pack 2) did not help. Following a longer search, I then finally found an advice on a website here in Germany to apply this entry prompt in the (black) command console/panel: chkntfs /X c: This would then stop the repeated defragmentation, which it did indeed. I assume, however, that the same prompt is now also blocking Defraggler?s access to the corresponding partitions. What could I possibly do in this case, 1) re-setting the previous command (?) and also in future 2) avoiding constant defragmentations, such as they occured previously? Thank you Dieter from sunny Hamburg
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