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  1. I'm new to forums, so if I'm in the wrong place or entering incorrectly, it's not intentional and I'd appreciate assistance or tips. I recently downloaded CCleaner and every time I open the program, I get the typical "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close", but if I drag the message off to the side it doesn't shut down and I'm still able to use the program. How can I resolve this issue? In addition, three times while Ccleaner was running, I got error messages (all the same) saying: "The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access". Other information included was" Registry Integrity" and under that "Registry - unused file extension missing shared DLL, Activex/Com Issue". Below there was a list of letters with equal signs - some had numbers next to them, some had nothing. For example: "IT=300, ID=1, PR= " and so on. When this error message appeared, I just clicked on close and the program continued but the message did come back two more times with the same information. The reason I originally downloaded Ccleaner was because when surfing I would get a message telling me that in 60 seconds (it counted down) Windows Explorer would close. The message indicated that the Nt Authority System was closing Explorer and it also said, "DCom server process launcher service terminated unexpectedly", whatever that means. This started happening every time I was on the Internet, and didn't just close the Internet - it shut the entire computer system down and then restarted it. After a few times that gets pretty annoying! Lastly - I don't know if this is typical, but after running Ccleaner, the Registry showed 110 issues and in the Run Cleaner section, there had to be over 100 cookies and temporary Internet files (which I deleted).Any assistance or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks! Patricia
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