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Jim Mack

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Everything posted by Jim Mack

  1. I'm not familiar with this system -- I tried to PM you but I don't think it 'took'. In any case, I don't know how to send an attachment to a PM -- could you walk me through that?
  2. I have one physical drive carved up into several logical drives C - J. DF seems to work OK on most of the drives, but on one (drive J) it either stays in "Analyze..." or "Building..." forever, stuck at 100%, or it does a hard crash. When it's stuck it accepts a "Stop" but it still spins away at 100%. I can close the program but it stays in the task list for 10-15 seconds consuming 90+% of processor time. The drive in question is 14.4GB, with 4.1GB used. It contains the system page file. Windows defrag has no problems with the drive, and it shows no errors. When it crashes: --------------------------- Defraggler.exe - Application Error --------------------------- The instruction at "0x00496cc4" referenced memory at "0x0000004c". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program Click on CANCEL to debug the program --------------------------- OK Cancel --------------------------- Just thought you'd like to know. If you need more info, just ask (email)
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