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Everything posted by moogie

  1. This slowness of defragging a large FAT32 h/d is a big issue for me. My scenario is a 1TB multimedia player that is plugged into my TV AND my storage router. The storage router is only compatible with FAT32 formatted devices so going to NTFS is not an option. I've used ~250Gb of space in the last few months and I've run defraggler for the first time on this drive by unplugging it from the storage router and plugging directly into my laptop's USB port. Fragmentation was reported to be 17%... around the 43GB mark. 16 hours later it is down to 6% (around 15GB). Talk about S L O W .... That said, I don't see what other options I have ? My copy of diskeeper v8 will not defrag drives larger than 512Gb. Even without that limitation, I dont believe it can defrag a network drive (Can defraggler do this ?) So.. due to the size of the drive defraggler is my only defrag option... I just wish it were significantly faster... If anyone has any ideas as to how to speed up a FAT32 defraggler run, I am listening keenly. Cheers, Moogie.
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