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Everything posted by Eloora

  1. Today I ran an analysis with Defraggler, which finished way faster than usual, and returned a zero fragmented files result. I can see in both Windows default defrag program as well as Smart Defrag that I do indeed have several large files fragmented still. It also won't defrag my free space at all. Just yesterday I was able to use Defraggler just fine. This is my C drive having the issue, 140GB NTFS RAID 0 drives. It will still defrag my 60GB FAT32 external drive fine. Any ideas what could be causing this? I use... Windows XP version 1.12.152 Thanks
  2. Several previous versions are available for download at http://www.filehippo.com/.
  3. This started happening a few months ago, and I quit using Defraggler in favor of Smart Defrag, but I liked the different defrag options Defraggler has, so I fired it up again. Basically, every time I analyze my C drive, it gets to 100% and then crashes. The crash window pops up with "Defraggler has encountered a problem and needs to close". The error signature says this: AppName: defraggler.exe AppVer: ModName: defraggler.exe ModVer: Offset: 00082624 I am actually able to defrag by folder from the Action menu (which I never bothered with before), but that's all I've tried so far. Can't use the debug version either...the command window flashes open then shuts immediately. Oddly enough, it's able to analyze and defrag my external HD like normal. It's pretty full, but only about 60GB total, and no OS on it. Windows XP Pro is on my C drive. Any ideas what could be causing the crash? I can include any other pertinent info, just let me know. Thanks.
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