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  1. That takes even longer than VB.NET to be honest with you . If you want to know true memory optimization, take a look at Notepad++... The day I see any VB.NET / VB6- app with the same functionality, speed and memory use as Notepad++ is the day I give up on C. But, that just won't happen.
  2. I'm not necessarily a programmer ( not professional yet )... I'm currently just a hobbyist and am in my first class for programming... But I've been a "hobbyist" for about 3-4 years now just playing around with languages... Python ( Delphi ), C/C++, VB.NET, and VC++ ( It is so different from C++ that I count it as a different language ). I don't really like VB.NET because it doesn't allow much customization ( Same as VB6 ), and when I try to draw my own forms they end up taking up memory and being just really laggy... Especially when I try to do a gradient in VB.NET for my form background... So, I figured it would be a fun/educational thing to try and draw my own form using GDI+ or GDI but it is Microsoft and I'm having doubts on it because I haven't been fond of other MS products... So... MrG writes the programs? I'll try sending him a PM, and if he doesn't respond then I understand...
  3. Hey, I am an inspiring computer programmer... I use every single application from Piriform and recommend them to any friend of mine in need of them... They usually end up saying, "Wow, where did you find these? They are amazing!". So, I have a couple questions to ask about how the programs were programmed... #1. What language were they programmed in? #2. What API's ( if any ) were used to draw the form? I am currently trying to mess around with drawing my own form, but I don't know what API I should use... #3. How many people actively programmed these applications? I ask because the applications look so extensive, yet this company(?) is so small so I can't imagine you guys having a huge staff... If these questions could be answered, that would be great! .
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