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  1. off topic but i swear I've seen your user name on cod4?
  2. Keith thanks a lot for your input but i can't seem to find the place to enter my password. i did add my network key and so on but i need to find the place to put the password. the attached file shows where i get to and you will see that there is no where for me to enter a password. thanks.
  3. Hi all, Need a bit of help. I am trying to connect my laptop to my wireless router but when i refresh network list and click to connect to my network it doesn't allow me to enter the password for it. It is as though there is a default password which in not the correct one. I cant seem to find an option to change it. So if anyone knows a way of finding and option to change the password..please let me know. Thank you!
  4. Oh and im using windows XP home and im using an admin account.
  5. Thanks Hazelnut! All it needed was a reboot after using add/remove programs and it installed without any problems. It doesn't explain why i had a problem in the first place though. Never the less it works now. A quick question though... you mention this software on afterdawn. I have an educational disk that plays mp4 files but when i click on the icon on the disk it connects to wmp but the file wont play. I have tried to change the default player for mp4's but the link will not use them it still tries to connect to wmp which as i said will not play it. i know this is not forum related but i was just simply wondering if that software mentioned may help? thank you
  6. Hi All, I have been trying to install the latest version of c cleaner but keep on getting the same error message so i removed CCleaner from my programs and then tried to add the latest addition/version. that did not work so i tried to install the version that was working v12 but when installing the same error message came up. please could you advise. thank you. A file with the error should be attached. error.bmp error.bmp
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