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  1. I tried Defraggler on a Sun VirtualBox with Windows 2003 server running in it. It was the only defrag tool that seems to work. Anyone else have any results to report? TurtleWax
  2. I agree. There is absolutely no benefit to defrag a flash drive. I did find one really cool use for defraggler though! It works great for defragging a virtual PC/VirtualBox image! No other defrag tool seems to work very well in a virtual environment. Defraggler is the only one that I have tested that can successfully defrag them. Must be the way it accesses the 'disk'. TurtleWax
  3. The noise on your external hard drive may be indication of a BAD sector on the hard drive. Try running a full checkdisk/scandisk on it including testing unused space to mark the bad sector. Note to others: If it is not a external Hard drive, it is not recommended to defrag. USB thumb drives usually use a method to reduce the number of times each memory location is written to increase the life of the thumb drive due to limited number of writes before the drive fails. Defragging a usb key should be done sparingly at most. Sincerely, TurtleWax
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