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Everything posted by fishtail

  1. is this by design? If so, could we add a switch for the command line so it will clean the registry? Thanks...
  2. right...that article doesn't come to close to discuss the specifics... For example, my list includes "Office 2007" and "Office 2010"...so exactly what is done with the apps?
  3. I think it's time for Piriform to start publish what each checkbox in "Applications" do. I have Outlook 2003 and the auto-complete list has gone missing...after some digging, I found out CCleaner was the culprit!!! If there's a list already, I apologize...any direction is greatly appreciated! Nick
  4. Sorry, same result. I noticed that of the three pages, I got "Click here if it does not." link, doing a mouseover on: - Standard build shows me: http://download.piriform.com/ccsetup219.exe - Portable build shows me: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinportable - Slim build shows me: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinslim I don't know if the above info helps or not...
  5. It was the firewall that didn't like the content type, not AV. Nevertheless, I tried all three. I can get Standard Build, but not Portable nor Slim.
  6. Hi. At our corporate network, we use WatchGuard. I've restricted the users to only access certain, defined content types. When a user try to download CCleaner via http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinslim, the firewall stops it because the content type was defined as "unknown/unknown". Could you please kindly add that ("application/octstream" would be good enough) to the header section of the HTML page? Thanks, Nick
  7. hi. I just downloaded 1.05 and was happy to see now I can save the settings in Defraggler.ini. Please add a switch in DF.EXE (command line executable) so it will defrag the drives according to the INI file. ...consequently, is "df.exe" going to undo "defraggler.exe", if you have set "move larger files to end of drive", because "df.exe" doesn't understand it and move the file back together? Thanks much for this wonderful product!
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