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Posts posted by Nexer

  1. Hi and thanks :)


    I'm using FF 3.0.3 and IE7 (Vista standard)


    Adobe Active X and plug-in both 10


    Right now I've done yet another clean install on my main rig and I'm a bit vary of installing and running CCleaner since youtube runs like it should.

  2. I just reproduced the problem on my notebook (Vista 32bit)


    Uninstalled Adobe Flash with Adobe uninstaller for both IE and FF.


    Installed ActiveX for IE = Youtube works fine


    Installed plugin for FF = Youtube works fine


    Cleaned with CCleaner (only cleaner and no registry) and Youtube freeze problem appears.


    There's something fishy going on :blink:

  3. Hi


    I've experienced something strange two times now


    Some time ago I installed CCleaner and did a full clean. Some time after that I visited youtube to watch a few videos and this is were things get strange.


    When I first click a video everything is fine but when I click on another video the browser will freeze for 20-30 seconds and then play the video. The same thing happens when I want to close the browser during playback of a video on youtube. The browser freezes and then closes and I'll get a message telling me that firefox is still in use. Sometimes FF will crash and wants to send a report.


    So I figure that it's somehow related to FF and start IE but the same thing happens. Browser Freeze on video change and exit during video playback.


    I then proceed to uninstall the Flash ActivX plugin in IE and the Adobe Flash install for FF with the uninstall tool from Adobe and then install the newest Adobe Flash but the problem remains.


    I try uninstalling and installing Jave but still the same problem.


    After an evening of messing around I decide to do a clean install of Vista (64 bit) and after everything is installed I try Youtube and everything is back to normal.


    After some time I decide to do a little cleanup and once again I do a complete clean in CCleaner (apps and reg) and BANG the problem is back! I also got an error report from FF right after I cleaned with CCleaner and tried using youtube. The report mentions NPSWF32.dll as the module with error.


    Is CCleaner somehow removing anything that Adobe Flash needs?


    And the weirdest thing is that it only happens on Youtube and no other flash site


    I'm at a loss here


    I could try another fresh install of Vista and then do a reg backup before I clean just to see what happens

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