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Posts posted by __RonR

  1. However the MRU list is buried inside of Office's settings in the Windows registry, which unfortunately wipes out Word's settings just to clean the MRU. About the only option if you don't want the Office settings to disappear is to untick Office cleaning in CCleaner.


    With all due respect, this explanation does not hold water. If ticking Office 2007 can clean the MRUs without wiping out Word 2003 settings, there should be no reason that a tick mark on Office 2003 can't do the same. If all that gets cleaned is the MRUs, and the MRU reg keys are common to the two versions, then there must be something additional that CCleaner is "cleaning" that it maybe shouldn't.


    I have, for now, unticked 2003 but left 2007 ticked. That cleans the MRUs. Would be interesting to know if someone with Office 2007 has similar issues with customizations getting wiped by CCleaner.


    I hate to belabor this issue, but I still believe CCleaner should NOT corrupt Office 2003 simply to clean out the MRUs, at least not by default. This is especially true because the 2007 version does it just fine. If ALL that CCleaner is supposed to clean is the MRUs, then the scripts for the two versions should be identical. Again, I don't know how to view or manipulate CCleaner's default scripts.

  2. They all however have this cleaned, it's 100% identical:


    I can verify that both Office 2003 and 2007 clean the same RECENT files entries. In fact, when both APPS are checked, Anaysis reports the entries twice, once under each of the two apps.


    I don't have Office 2007, but I DO have the 2007 Compatibility Pack. Both the 'discovery' reg keys (..\11.0\Common and ..\12.0\Common) are on my system.


    The Recent files entries are the only items I remember ever seeing show up when either or both Office 2003 and 2007 are 'Analyzed.' Since they clean the same Recent file items, only one needs to be checked.


    This still doesn't answer the question: Why does cleaning Office 2003 break Word's custom option settings? There must be some other key that gets wiped out. I am not familiar enough with how Word stores the options, nor in what "scripts" CCleaner uses, to investigate any deeper myself. I hope somebody can resolve this.

  3. I DID upgrade to Version 3.0.


    I am somewhat familiar with Winapp2.ini, but that process is more a workaround than a solution. CCleaner should NOT have to be fine tuned in order to keep from corrupting customizations of an application.


    I am NOT going to the trouble of selecting each specific Reg Key that gets deleted or saved by CCleaner ... especially when (as you stated in the other post) "...one has to modify winapp1.ini every time a new version of CC is released..."


    CCleaner has been criticized by some as being TOO agressive. My issue illustrates why people think that way. CCleaner (formerly CRAP Cleaner) should default to cleaning JUST the CRAP! Those of us that customize our applications DO NOT consider losing those cusomizations as "cleaning."


    Maybe my issue isn't a bug, but it certainly IS a configuration issue. On the APPS tab of CCleaner, an ordinary user should expect CCleaner to clean ONLY truly dispensible files (typically those in TEMP locations and/or with *.tmp extensions). Power users should fine tune for more agressive cleaning -- not the other way around.


    For now, the Office 2007 check mark analyzes and clears most of Word 2003's Temp and Recent files without corrupting my customizations. That's what I want. Just seems to me that CCleaner should work that way by DEFAULT. If the APPS tab cannot be trusted, it becomes USELESS for the average user. I hope the movers and shakers (and sympathetic users) will see it that way, too.

  4. Notes on Office 2003 Cleaning Corruption


    I have Office 2003 installed on XPPro-SP3. Under APPLICATIONS, when Office 2003 is checked, custom settings in Word 2003 get corrupted. Custom options and toolbars are saved in the Normal.dot template, but when CCleaner is run, customizations get corrupted. Checking 'Office 2003' will corrupt "SOME" custom settings in Word's Normal.dot template. This ScreenShot shows the Apps tab and my system specs.CCleanerShot-10k.pdf


    Corruption occurs on CLEAN even if ANALYSIS shows no items to be cleaned.


    Corruption affects certain SAVE, PRINT and VIEW Options in Word 2003. It does not affect custom Toolbars or Autotext entries.


    The Normal.dot template itself does not seem corrupted since the custom toolbars, autotext entries and some of the options ARE retained. Rather, it seems that something is preventing Word from recognizing certain customizations, particularly the VIEW, SAVE, EDIT, TRACKING and PRINT options. Simply resetting the custom Options does NOT fix the problem (Word doesn't save Normal.dot) until a change is also made to the Toolbar customizations. Then, Word will save Normal.dot on exit and again maintain ALL custom settings until the next time CCleaner is run (with Office 2003 checked).


    I discovered this problem with Version 2.33. After upgrading to 3.0, the problem still exists. I can repeat this problem with 100% predictable results as follows:


    Run CCleaner w/o "Office 2003" checked. Run Registry Clean. Clean everything shown. Repeat many times. Custom settings in Word are fine. Clean everything, including registry one more time, then immediately run ANALYSIS only with Office 2003 checked. Analysis will show NO Itmes to clean. Check Word again -- still normal.


    Finally, run CCleaner with Office 2003 checked (Analysis shows nothing to Clean, remember). Now, Word's custom settings are disfunctional.


    Unchecking Office 2003 solves the problem. Fortunately, checking Office 2007 seems to clean many of the same Temp files, without corrupting Word 2003's access to Normal.dot.


    I don't believe the Normal.dot file itself gets corrupted. Word still gets custom Toolbars correctly. Deleting Normal.dot resets everything to default and Word saves a new Normal.dot template. Replacing my custom Normal.dot with a backup copy does not fix the problem.


    The only way I been able to fix it is to Reset all my corrupted customizations AND change a Toolbar setting to FORCE Word to SAVE Normal.dot on exit.


    Then everything is fine as long as I never check the Office 2003 option in CCleaner.


    Sorry this is so long, but I really tried to do exhaustive analysis before posting.


    Any thoughts? Anything else I should test? __RonR

  5. YoKenny, you have given some valuable information on keeping cookies off your system. Nevertheless, your response IS OFF TOPIC. The topic was the unexpected reaction of CCleaner to deleted cookies -- NOT how to delete cookies.


    More than once in the thread it was stated that the cookies HAD BEEN DELETED. The issue was that CCleaner continued to display them in the "Cookies to Delete" pane in the options dialog. Turns out a reinstall of CCleaner fixed the problem.


    In future, YoKenny, your valuable insight will be much better received if you EXACTLY target the problem rather than telling us WHAT YOU DO on your system. Please take this advice as it is intended -- constructively.


    I run IE8 beta2 on my old PIII and I don't see any of those cookies infesting my system and you don't have to bother editing the HOSTS file from either of the sources that I mention as they just work and it is in topic as you asked how to get rid of them and I offered advice on how to keep them out of your system.


    I have resolved the problem of incorrect cookie handling in IE8 beta2 by excluding the correct index.dat file:

    Exclude1=FILE|C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Cookies\|index.dat

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