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Posts posted by ProcessLaura

  1. I had the same problem. I also couldn't open Word attachments from my email. I reinstalled Office and downloaded Service Pack 3 for it. It still wouldn't work normally. I found that if Word was already open, then the documents would open (either from email or from Explorer folders). I also noticed that Word was running a virus scan every time I tried to open a document from Word (file>open), slowing down the process. So, after some research, I found some advice about unchecking the option to scan MS Office documents in my Antivirus software. I went to Norton (which came with my Verizon DSL) > Virus and Spyware Protection Options > Miscellaneous > [uncheck] Turn on scanning for Microsoft Office documents. I also ran McAfee Virtual Technician (since I still have that software on my computer), but I don't know if that made a difference. Now I can open Word documents just like I used to.


    I hope this saves some other newbie(s) like myself some time and frustration.


    okay so I have a P4 1.8 GHz 512RAM computer. XP Pro in a domain. I was just doing some system cleanup (for our Mayor no less) and I finish running CCleaner, and leave the computer. 30 seconds later he comes and gets me and says that he can't open his word documents.


    He can open files from file>open in word and it works perfectly fine. If he tries it from windows explorer (meaning he just double clicks on a .doc file) it opens word, but it doesn't open the file. If he right clicks on a .txt file and says open with word it opens fine... I am at a loss I have tried messing with the file extention .doc to no avail, any help would be great.

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