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  1. Following up upon my original post: this issue appears to be fixed in the latest release (version 2.02.525).
  2. There seems to be an issue with installed font files that contain the character U+FFFD Replacement Character. For those files, CCleaner incorrectly reports the font files as missing. To reproduce (Windows XP): 1. Download a font file. Put the character U+FFFD in the file name; one way to do this is to hold ?Alt? and press ?+fffd? (use the plus sign on the keypad), though I believe that you need a certain registry setting to be able to input characters via hexadecimal. 2. Install the font file. 3. Open the Control Panel > Fonts folder. 4. Run CCleaner. 5. You get an ?error? about how the font file, referenced in a registry entry and containing the U+FFFD character in the file name, cannot be found. The U+FFFD character is represented as a Question Mark character in the error message. 6. Delete the registry entry indicated in the ?error?. 7. Reopen the Control Panel > Fonts folder. 8. Run CCleaner. The ?error? is back. (Note: I didn?t follow steps 1 through 3 since I already had installed the font. Step 3 may be unnecessary.) What should be happening: No error should be reported. The file exists, but it seems that CCleaner can?t handle the U+FFFD character. You might ask why this character would be in a file name at all. I use it as a substitute for characters that Windows won?t allow in file names, such as the question mark or slash characters.
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