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Emma Martin

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Posts posted by Emma Martin

  1. 1 hour ago, nukecad said:

    Transfering a licence to a new machine is simple:

    1. Install CCleaner Free version on the new machine,
    2. Register/Activate it as Pro using your existing licenence key, which can be found in CCleaner>Options>Licence Key on the 'old' machine.
    3. Uninstall CCleaner Pro from the old machine. (You can then install CCleaner Free on it if wanted).

    To cancel a subscription auto-renewal at the moment usually means contacting support and asking then to do it for you. *But see below.
    There was previously a button in CCleaner to let you do it yourself, but that has been removed for the moment while changes are being made to the account/licence system.
    There is a contact form here you can use: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general
    Or you can simply emai them at: support@ccleaner.com

    *Users can't usually do it themselves currently because as said they are changing the system.
    However some have had D-I-Y success if they still have the original purchase emails, there is a link on the original emails that aparently still works to let you cancel the subscription auto-renewal yourself, see:


    Thanks Nukecad,

    All done. 


  2. Hi,

    I have CCleaner Pro on my partners old laptop that she no longer uses.

    I need to do two things.

    1. Transfer the remaining subscription to a different PC.

    2. Change the subscription so that it doesn't automatically renew.

    I've looked various places to try and find how to do the above but keep hitting 'You were notified during the order process' brick wall, but going back to the original emails, there seems to be nothing there about stopping auto-renew.

    I've spent best part of a day trying to sort this out but it's almost as if they are desperate to stop you cancelling auto-renew.

    In this day and age I believe that Auto-renew, should never be a default setting.

    I'd be really grateful for some help on this matter.






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