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  1. This is quite a minor issue. Not using compatibility mode. At the top of Recuva it says Windows 10 instead of Windows 11. Recuva: winver: This issue likely derives from reading the ProductName value from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion. You used to could rely on this, but for whatever reason, Microsoft stopped updating this key after Windows 10. This is not just my computer but also described but many others. Apparently is has to due with the kernel version, not the OS version. This StackOverflow answer discusses the problem more. regedit: Fixing it There are a few ways of getting the correct OS name. Through PowerShell you can do... (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem).Caption Even though Recuva doesn't use PowerShell, it could take advantage of WMI or CIM in C#. Not sure what Recuva is written in.
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