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Posts posted by CCbrokemyPC

  1. SFC and DISM had no effect. 
    Still completely blocked out from restoring the registry back ups, and unable to recover the savepoints i manually set up which CCleaner deleted.

    If i need to backup all my files to an external hard drive i expect you will be providing me with one to do that?
    Your "completely safe" software destroyed basic windows. You can not continue advertising this as safe software while destroying computers.

    I either expect a new laptop of equal hardware, or the external hard drive to back up my files in order to factory reset to fix the damages youve done. 


  2. Update, attempting to use recovery tools to restore a previous point before installing this software, but it appears since Ccleaner has access to system restore points, it also deleted ALL of my previous restore points, disabled the feature in windows completely, and blocked me from creating or even enabling the feature anymore...
    Not sure what else to do besides a complete factory reset at this point. Chainsaw safety certainly isnt helping anything here.


  3. https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/is-ccleaner-safe#:~:text=CCleaner is both secure and safe to use.&text=Security%2C safety and privacy are,will be safe to use.

    According to your website, it is safe to use, 
    Compared to a chainsaw which has CLEAR warning labels

    I followed the directions given by CCleaner. At no point did i insert a chainsaw into my laptop.
    I "Scanned for issues",  Clicked "Review selected issues", Created the backup of my registry as prompted to do, then in your words, your app inserted a chainsaw into my laptop and blocked me from removing it?

    I get the pop-up
    " Not all data was succesfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes, or you have insufficient privileges to perform this operation."

    I have already made sure im using an admin profile, confirmed i had privileges on every folder in the registry..
    I also started the laptop in safemode and attempted to restore the back up from there and still received the same error.

    I understand your software might be more dangerous to use than advertised, but i dont understand why it's also blocked me from restoring back ups.


  4. Installed Ccleaner, Ran the registry cleaner. Instantly My audio devices stopped working, My windows search and start menu stopped working, Discord no longer opens on my PC. AND it has blocked me from restoring registry backups.
    The amount of damage this program did in 1 click is astounding. 
    The fact that it somehow blocked me from restoring a back up of my registry makes me think this is intentionally implemented Malicious software. 

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