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Hi, A real newbie here. After running cleaner and "fix" problems-the back-up goes to the desk-top and in my documents by default. If after the "fix" all seems ok, should the items be "merged" , deleted or left alone. The desk-top icon I can delete (I think) but in the mean time my documents will just get filled with those files. Thanks for any help. Dan

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Some people may suggest to keep the backups for a few days and diehard paranoids may say up to three months, however it's up to you to choose. And storing the backup on the Desktop is unsightly just move them if they start to annoy you. Personally what I would do is create a folder in My Documents named CCleaner Backups and move all those .reg files in there, and if they are getting rather big or too numerous just ZIP all of them to make them one file, and should they be needed at a later date you'll have them. Of course eventually delete them either individually or from the ZIP archive once you know you won't be needing them.


should the items be "merged"

By merged what do you mean as that could mean two things, e.g.;

  • Restored into the registry by double clicking them - will cause CCleaner to detect them again and isn't necessary unless you're having problems after cleaning the issues.
  • Combined into one file - which isn't necessary as you can simply add all of them into one ZIP archive.

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