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Years ago i purchased CCleaner on the Play Store using my Google Play credentials. I’ve now swapped to an IPhone. I try to click the button to tell me my product key by entering the email address associated with my Google play store. No such luck… Hmm, my apple ID is the same email as Google so what’s the issue? Also just got an email my PayPal has been charged the $7.99. I can’t cancel it because i don’t have android anymore. I want to use it on Apple but see absolutely no way to restore my subscription from android to apple. Please help. Also no customer service number or private email??? Kinda annoying but i love your product and am a bit frustrated. Don’t really know what info you’ll need and rather not post emails username etc on a public forum. 
Update: For the sake of clarity. I want to transfer my CCleaner account to my email individually so whichever device i use it’ll work. Or swap it to Apple. 

Edited by Jamie120
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Currently a  licence for CCleaner for iOs can only be purchased through the Apple store.

A CCleaner Android, (or CCleaner multi-device), licence will not work on an iOs device.

It's simply the restrictive licencing practices of Apple that forces that current sparate licencing situation.

If you want a licence for CCleaner iOs then you will need to purchase a new licence from Apple.

*I will note that it was orignally the same with CCleaner for Android, to begin with you could only purchase that through Google Play Store, and it was only some time later that you were able to use a multi-device licence with Android.
So there is hope that the same may happen with CCleaner iOs sometime in future when/if the licencing agreements can be negotiated).

As for cancelling your current Android subscription that will depend on whether it was purchesed from the Play Store, or from CCleaner as a multi-device licence.

You say that you originally purchased your CCleaner for Android licence through the Google Play store - so it will be Google who you are paying for annual renewal and Google who you will need to cancel that subscription with.
Here are the Google instructions on how to do that: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7018481?hl=en-GB&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid

You also say that you paid throught PayPal - so you should check on your PayPal account that the payment has not been set as an 'Automatic Payment' there.
If it has been then PayPal will still pay it even though you have cancelled the subscription at Google.
Here is how to check that and cancel it if necessary: https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/what-is-an-automatic-payment-and-how-do-i-update-or-cancel-one-help240

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I’ve used the attached Google link to cancel my subscription. Thank you. Though it’s a minimal amount i wish there was a way to refund the unused subscription. Then i would simply purchase it again from the Apple Store. 

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The cancelled subscription will still be valid until the renewal date arrives it just won't renew, it's linked to the Google account that purchased it and so is valid on any Android device logged into that account.

Of course that's not much use yo you if you no longer have/use an Adroid device at all.

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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