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Tweaked Firefox Lets You Surf Internet Without a Trace


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Don't know much about this as yet.


May give it a twirl a bit later on.




A tweaked version of Firefox that makes Web browsing anonymous has been released by a group of privacy-minded coders.


Every few minutes, the Torpark browser causes a computer's IP address to appear to change. IP addresses are numeric identifier given to computers on the Internet. The number can be used along with other data to potentially track down a user, as many Web sites keep track of IP addresses.



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Torpark is Firefox Portable with Tor onion routing. It chains your data through multiple Tor servers which make it more anonymous because the target webserver which you contact won't see your IP address. However, your surfing will be slower.


Now while speaking of anonymity, there is a LiveCD distribution based on the OpenBSD operating system called Anonymous.OS by kaos.theory security research. OpenBSD is well known for its extreme stance on computer security.


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Torpark is Firefox Portable with Tor onion routing. It chains your data through multiple Tor servers which make it more anonymous because the target webserver which you contact won't see your IP address. However, your surfing will be slower.


Now while speaking of anonymity, there is a LiveCD distribution based on the OpenBSD operating system called Anonymous.OS by kaos.theory security research. OpenBSD is well known for its extreme stance on computer security.


Anonymous OS, I'll have to play around with it. As for this browser, I'll install wireshark and see what kinda traffic it will generates. See what's under the hood.

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keep in mind people that if you plan to use this so the gov't wont catch you, you can still be traced.

they keep records of where you've been and everything.


looks pretty cool though, does it really matter if your anonomous unless your looking up certain stuff?

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keep in mind people that if you plan to use this so the gov't wont catch you, you can still be traced.

they keep records of where you've been and everything.


looks pretty cool though, does it really matter if your anonomous unless your looking up certain stuff?


Yes, of course its no silver bullet. It can help you with your anonymity but it wont guarantee your anonymity. Public Wi-Fi networks can be good sometimes though.

Yes it does matter even if you aren't looking certain stuff up. Or maybe you would like the goverment to have remote access to your computer and be able to access all your files and see what you do? "Why not? If you aren't doing anything bad, you got nothing to worry about", or?

I would always want privacy, even if I was only looking up a recipe on how to make pasta sauce.


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"Why not? If you aren't doing anything bad, you got nothing to worry about", or?

I would always want privacy, even if I was only looking up a recipe on how to make pasta sauce.


I'd have to agree. After 911, our govt can't be trusted! If the govt wants to track me, they alredy do believe it or not. The CIA has 16 files open and active on EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN.



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I would always want privacy, even if I was only looking up a recipe on how to make pasta sauce.


I agree with you completely.

It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. P. G. Wodehouse

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So my question i guess is this:


is this tweaked firefox browser safe to download, and can i download it and have an icon on my desktop to use only for surfing certain sites, but still have firefox on the desktop to use for regular surfing? i think that if i visit a site i havent been to, or dont feel is as safe, maybe this would be a good browser to have.

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So my question i guess is this:


is this tweaked firefox browser safe to download, and can i download it and have an icon on my desktop to use only for surfing certain sites, but still have firefox on the desktop to use for regular surfing? i think that if i visit a site i havent been to, or dont feel is as safe, maybe this would be a good browser to have.

Yes, I think so.


You can surf to http://www.ipchicken.com/ to see what IP address that your surfing is getting proxied through. If you use Torpark, it should be different than your real IP address.


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Thanks for the reply and the chicken link eldmannen!


ok i downloaded this and unloaded it from the zip file into the c drive : program files. hit the tor icon and i keeps telling me that the firefox .exe file is not open. so i opened firefox, tried it again and it gave me the same message. any suggestions on what i am doing wrong? thanks guys!


ok i downloaded this and unloaded it from the zip file into the c drive : program files. hit the tor icon and i keeps telling me that the firefox .exe file is not open. so i opened firefox, tried it again and it gave me the same message. any suggestions on what i am doing wrong? thanks guys!

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Nope, maybe the site has some documentation or there is some readme file or something.


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i figured it out. i had moved the tor icon to the desktop, but it wont let me run it from there, only from the file folder. it is pretty cool though! and it works!

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After 911, our govt can't be trusted!


What makes you think they could be trusted beforehand, oh how that sounds very un-American of me, oh well.

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No matter if a goverment can be trusted or cant be trusted, I would prefer there eyes not on me.


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No matter if a goverment can be trusted or cant be trusted, I would prefer there eyes not on me.


eldmannens up to no good! :lol:

they wouldnt waste time just watching random people but instead, they'd go for suspected terrorists and such.

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lol! watch the canadian news and see what happened to Mr. ARAR. that will change your view on that Aaron. he was deported to the US on the information given to them via the RCMP (canadian version of your CIA/FBI) and the US deported him to Syria where he was tortured as a suspected terrorist. problem is, he wasnt one. and was just proven innocent.


ill bet he wishes that he had been a bit more "off the radar".

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eldmannens up to no good! :lol:

they wouldnt waste time just watching random people but instead, they'd go for suspected terrorists and such.


The NSA warrantless writetapping was spying on all the telephone of all people in the USA. I am pretty sure, not all people in the USA are "suspected terrorists".


If you are at an airport and you're talking to your friend about how you played your Nintendo and got 15750 points on Bomberman, the special power-up and are on the #1 highscore list then the security guards will come and beat you down, then probe your cavities.


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Eldmannen's right about keywords automatically attracting unwanted attention.


The government was monitoring all overseas calls long before 911. If a "suspicious" word was said a computer would flag the call for further attention. This has been going on since at least the 70's.


I read the Google and Yahoo news sites every day and I get nervous if I click on a news story and it takes me to an Arab site, especially if it's Al Jezeera (spelling?) Is that enough to get the Feds interested in what I'm doing online?


Seems silly to be so paranoid but who knows in this day and age?

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Yes, the US runs the ECHELON to intercept Internet, telephone, fax, email, SMS traffic.

It can on a phone call, identify persons speaking, such as Male 1, Male 2, Female 1, Female 2, etc and store it in a text log conversation. It can handle many languages, such as English, Arabic, etc.


The NSA used equipment from Narus for their warantless wiretapping when they spied on US citizens.



Too bad you cant Google using HTTPS. :(


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