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Spam now using subliminal techniques


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These spammers need a taste of their own medicine. :angry:



According to the PandaLabs warning, the subliminal messages appear on the screen for between 10 and 40 milliseconds. The messages flashing the word ?buy? were detected in spams promoting certain company stocks.


?This is the first time we have detected an Internet threat that uses subliminal techniques,? PandaLabs director Luis Corrons said. ?Although in this case the author cannot boast a fine-tuned technique, it is worrying to witness how cyber-criminals are trying to introduce new strategies to increase the effectiveness of their attacks. And, worse still, we can expect new and more sophisticated threats of this kind to appear. Think about the damage that this type of message could cause, especially to young users.?



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Subliminal adverts are nothing new and were used for years here in the U.S.A. to unknowingly innocent people whilst going to watch a movie, however I believe it's been outlawed for a long time now.


Hearing things like this and other underhanded stuff advertisers are guilty of is just another reason to eternally never trust and despise them as millions of people do rather on the Internet, T.V., in flyers/magazines, and of course those damned phone solicitations - those on the phone are the type of adverts that would get under my skin in a hurry.

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