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Registry problem


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I have the following problem. When I choose the option "scan for (registry) problems" (I use the Dutch version) in CCleaner, I often have some files who apparently can't be removed. These are always "unused extension files" with registry key HKCR\<filename>. I give some examples: "HKCR\CCListView.cItemGroup", "HKCR\IPodService.iPodManager", HKCR\.Sims2Skin and many others. I think these unused extension files may be removed, but I don't know how. When I open a specific problem in "regedit" and I want to delete it there, I always got the message that it cannot be removed or that not all values can be removed. Somebody has a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance. :(

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I give some examples: "HKCR\CCListView.cItemGroup"

The bad thing with that entry is CCleaner is detecting one of it's own components.


The current fix is via Dial-a-fix as seen here:



You may want to join this thread in helping the CCleaner developer fix it:


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The current fix is via Dial-a-fix ...


OK with Dial-a-fix. Problems seems to be fixed and all unused file extensions are deleted now and don't reappear. Thanks for your advice. ;)
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