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Why can't i install this proggy?


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Hi All,


Yahoo has now this Beta Ticker .. for News, Weather, etc (sounds like what i ve been looking for) -----> My Yahoo! Ticker Beta


("News, weather and stock quotes delivered right to your desktop.")


It's here: http://next.yahoo.com/


In the bottom of the page there, click on "My Yahoo! Ticker Beta" .. or go directly to http://edit.ticker.yahoo.com/config/slv4_page?.p=ticker


You see there "Download Beta" button ..


All you got to do, basically, is click on it.. and it will install the Ticker...

Others are running it after all... - BUT - it would NOT install for me :(


Minimum requirements it says there (on that download link above) - "Requires Windows 98 or above and Internet Explorer 5.5 or above" .. - On my computer here, i have Windows ME and IE 6.0.. so i should be OK.. BUT, again, no luck for me :(


Here is what's happening to me ( as i posted on their board there .. but "no replies" :( ) .. And if you have any suggestions for me, or thoughts why i can't install this proggy.. this Ticker.. PLEASE share them with me!


Thanks in advance...


And here is what is happening to me:


C/P of my post:



Can you help?


Can't install This "My Yahoo Ticker (beta)"


I tried everything.. rebooted computer, etc.. - No luck :(


Running Windows ME, and IE 6.0 by the way...


In any case i go here:



and click "Download Beta" there..


and no luck.. - everytime i end up here:



and there it says:

"An error occurred while attempting to install My Yahoo! Ticker Beta.

Click HERE to try again."


And if i click on HERE .. i end up at:



Where it says:

"Sorry, Forbidden.

You don't have permission to access this URL on this server.


Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Yahoo!, try visiting the Yahoo! home page or look through a list of Yahoo!'s online services. Also, you may find what you're looking for if you try searching below."



and that's all .. tried again and again (by going back to http://edit.ticker.yahoo.com/config/slv4_page?.p=ticker .. and starting over .. NO luck :(


And i really wanted to run that Ticker (it sounds good)


Others though seems to be running this Ticker..

So what Gives????



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Thanks for your advice.. BUT as i stated in above post.. - i already DID .. over and over again.. with no success :(


Who knows.. maybe my computer is messed up bad somehow.. lol


Unless there is another logical explanation out there..


Any other suggestions? :)

Thanks again


P.S. .. just wondering maybe if it's maybe my AntiVir antivirus preventing this ticker's installtion to go through somehow.. BUT - i strongly doubt it

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P.S. .. just wondering maybe if it's maybe my AntiVir antivirus preventing this ticker's installtion to go through somehow.. BUT - i strongly doubt it


It could be a component of it is flagged by Avira AntiVir or an installed anti-spyware program. One way to find out is to look at your real-time/guard scan logs. Or upload the Yahoo Ticker setup file to http://virusscan.jotti.org/ and let multiple av's scan the file.

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can't upload Yahoo Ticker Setup file to that place..


cuz can't get that file even.. (i think setup is automatic.. on line.. but not sure . could not get that far)


Can you (or anyone else) maybe get that file from them there somehow.. and i can try maybe to install it that way.. or upload it to that above mentioned virusscan site....

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Hi Darkman-


I was able to download the file and I'm submitting it to Jotti's virusscan but it looks like their server is really busy [80%] so it may take quite a while before it is scanned. In the meantime maybe you can try downloading the file attachment below and see if that works.


OK, while the attachment was uploading to Ccleaner the Jotti scan completed-see the thumbnail. I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe someone who knows more about malware and/or how a sandbox works can help.


Good luck, hopefully you can download the installer here and that will get you going.


You will have to unzip the attached file. Ccleaner does not allow .exe files to be attached.





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Thanks a lot Mike!


And thanks for your time!


By the way - did you try this program / ticker after you downloaded it?

(if so, what do you think of it?)


Meanwhile though, lol - I got it now already.. (all by myself) :)

And i am running the ticker now.. :)


Here how i did it.. !



Oh wow!


I closed my Internet Explorer 6.0


.. and opened Mozilla Firefox.. and went to the same "download ticker" link (mentioned above)


.. and no problem .. hehe - it downloaded the setup ticker file.. and i installed it no problem .. and trying out this ticker as we speak, lol


Wonder what gives though.. why with Firefox but NOT with IE?


Oh well :)



P.S. Thanks again Mike!!

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I'm glard you got it working. I haven't installed it because I'm on dialup :angry: . I figure it would slow down my connection while it's receiving info from the net. I'll probably give it a try though.


As to why IE wouldn't download the file I'm not sure. The only thing I thought of is maybe your security settings are set too high. If you go to tools>internet options and click on the security tab see if the slider is set to High. Mine is set to Medium-High.


How do you like the ticker?

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Security is at "Custom" somehow...


Privacy is at "Medium" though ...


So i am not sure...


Ticker is so so.. Not too bad.. for now i shut it off though, lol...


I tried few other ones also.. (mentioned in another thread i think)


The best one from them all (for me anyhow) - i found it to be Worldflash ticker... BUT it's NOT a Freeware :(



Ya.. if you are on Dial-up.. - maybe don't bother running it..

(i used to be on Dial-up.. - on Cable now .. and tried DSL also by now)

I know what the Dial-up is all about :(


On dial-up - i would NOT bother with tickers.. (don't think i would anyhow) ;)


Thanks again

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