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Help ccclener erased 2years of photos


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Hi, cc clenaner erased 2years of photos from my mobile.😡🤬 In The galleri its 70 photos left. Can i find The photos some where. 

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As you still have photos on your phone then it sounds like you have just lost a link to the ones stored in the cloud,  (in Google Photo).
If that is the case then they will still be there and you just need to restore the link to them.

You may simply have been logged out of your Google account and so Google Photos, check that and log back in if necessary.

If you still cant see them when you are logged into Google then have a read here: https://www.multcloud.com/tutorials/google-photos-lost-photos-1207.html

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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