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MySpace to allow members to sell their own music

Mike Rochip

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I thought this was kind of an interesting idea. I can't decide if it's a good idea or a bad one, though :P .


LOS ANGELES - MySpace.com will soon enable members of the popular online social networking hub to sell downloads of their original music directly through MySpace Web pages, company executives said Friday.


The initiative, which is still in a test phase, has the potential to turn millions of computer users, many of them independent or aspiring artists already using the site to build a fan following, into online music retailers.



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The day I pay for music that I found on myspace is the day I lost my mind. All I can say is they better only charge like 5 cents a song and come play it live for you for free. What good music has ever come out of myspace popularity?(rhetorical question the answer is NONE.:P)


I think any way for good music to get to the forefront is great(god knows we need some) but man I cringe to think whats lurking on myspace. :ph34r: I don't want a computer nerd band... I want a brand new all out rock and roll band. :( (sadly that will probably never happen again)


Anyone else watch the MTV awards? I watched it because I heard axl was going to do an interview(he was on for about 15sec. :angry:) I can't believe the shambles music is in right now. Rock is dead(all the bands look like freaks) and rap is no better. Of course this is MTV I'm talking about which has never been the forefront of quality music but now is even worse then ever.

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@Zaphirer. I don't think it did. It said they were still figuring out what to charge the members for the service. I heard from a reliable source it better be 5 cents or less.


@rridgely I didn't see the MTV show but every review written about it says it was boring and out of touch.

Warning! Rant ahead. You may want to hit the "Back" button on your browser before it's too late.


rridgely, I agree with you about the state of today's "music." Occasionally I'll try to listen to a station playing today's artists and by song number two or three it's back to the oldies or classic rock station. The only modern songs I guess I hear regularly are on TV commercials and that just scares me. I have yet to hear a song that doesn't give me a headache on any of the mobile phone commercials and whatever the heck that thing on the Old Navy commercial about 'getting your fash on' is I'll never know because I can't understand a word she is saying. Another thing that really irks me [yes, there are a lot of those things :P ] is using classic songs in commercials. I find it hard to believe "All You Need is Love" was written as an ode to financial institutions. That thumping sound you hear is John Lennon spinning around. Debbie Harry [blondie] is reduced to singing about a dust mop. I know the owners of the music have to approve the use of their songs [and sometimes the owners are not the artists themselves] but when songs are used that way it changes the memory of their songs from reminiscing about the good old days to thinking about modern day commercial cr_p. So in other words, new music is too cr_ppy to use in commercials and old music is too good.


A lot of music actually grows on me after awhile and groups and artists I hated in the 60's and 70's are now some of my favorites.


Speaking of the good old days, albums used to be priced so if you liked one song from an artist you could take a chance and buy it. If the rest of the album stunk you weren't out of a sizeable amount of money and if it was good you got a bargain. That's one advantage to iTunes and the others. You can buy only the songs you know you are going to like. But you're probably missing out on a lot of good music that way.


On the lighter side, it's kind of hard to believe that years ago (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction from the Rolling Stones had to be censored before it was allowed to be performed on TV. The line "Let's spend the night together" had to be changed to "Let's spend some time together." The song Sex Offender on Blondie's first album had to be changed to X Offender before the music label would allow it on the album.


Times sure have changed.


I have to go now. The Old Navy commercial is on again. I'm late for my lobotomy.


Bet you wish you hit the "Back" button. Can't say I didn't warn you!

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Interesting rant Mike!


Yes things were censored a bit then, at the time only people in the "know" realised that songs such as Purple Haze, Mellow Yellow, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds were all about LSD. The first 2 being particular brands and the Beatles one just being the initials.


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Interesting rant Mike!


Yes things were censored a bit then, at the time only people in the "know" realised that songs such as Purple Haze, Mellow Yellow, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds were all about LSD. The first 2 being particular brands and the Beatles one just being the initials.

I didn't know that about the first two. Then again I'm rarely 'in the know :huh: .'


I had a gym teacher who said "Let It Be" was about pot because of the line "Mother Mary comes to me." I think he must have smoked some before coming to that conclusion :lol: .

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Anyone else watch the MTV awards? I watched it because I heard axl was going to do an interview(he was on for about 15sec. :angry:) I can't believe the shambles music is in right now. Rock is dead(all the bands look like freaks) and rap is no better. Of course this is MTV I'm talking about which has never been the forefront of quality music but now is even worse then ever.


Looks like I don't need to attempt to watch a replay then since when I flipped to the channel when I woke up was all the time Axl got.


Rock will never be dead, it does however matter where you look for music. For instance those into metal would get the Century Media catalog which is almost as thick as my telephone book, it has Century Media label artists as well as some smaller unheard of by the masses record labels, there's probably a Rock equivalent out there somewhere.


MTV is nothing more than a reality show/soap opera channel now and has been for many years. I don't expect things to get any better with it, only worse. And they should remove the M from MTV and come up with a different tagline because it's no longer "Music" Television.

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Well you can blame the Beatles songs being used in commercials on Michael Jackson. :angry: He beat out Paul McCartney on buying the Beatles catalog a while ago.(but since Jackson apparently lost all his money maybe he doesn't own it anymore.) I remember a Nike commercial where he used the song Revolution. I seriously doubt McCartney and Lennon were thinking about shoes when writing that song. <_<


There are a couple Beatles songs with drug references but Let it Be isn't one of them.:P I always thought the song was religious but I saw an interview where Paul said that he was talking about his dead mother coming to him in a dream.


With a Little help from my friends

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends

Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends



Thats one of the more obvious drug references I have heard in the Beatles. But knowing them that may not have even been a drug reference, only they know.

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