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Ccleaner update installed on my PC without my consent.


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54 minutes ago, positron7 said:


I have asked more than once if you would provide a program(s) that could find and delete hidden malware

in my computer, but you have decline my requests.


CCleaner is not a malware removal tool.

You are using tools already for that (malwarebytes etc)

I doubt you have malware.

You may never be able to work out how CCleaner updated on your machine. I suspect there may be no exe file as versions as old as yours were autoupdated 

Read from here


 It made a lot of people unhappy as you can see. Nobody (including us moderators) agreed with what was done.

So, there will be no hidden file I suspect and it may be time to accept this thing happened to you as well .

Take care. 


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I will respond using >> for clarity. 

I have asked more than once if you would provide a program(s) that could find and delete hidden malware in my computer, but you have decline my requests.


>> That was in response to CAD, not anyone else. J

CCleaner is not a malware removal tool.

>> No need to become defensive Hazel. I am an electronics engineer and obviously understands the difference.

You are using tools already for that (malwarebytes etc)

>>Absolutely, many many programs Including AVAST, Win Def, Malwarebytes premium.

I doubt you have malware.

>> That is an impossibility as I have previously posted and CAD concurred by his own words in a previous post. If disconnected from the internet, one cannot download information. I will try a simpler way to explain. 

>> Updates have been blocked in the product itself, task scheduler, the firewall, both in and out bound.

>> The computer is completely disconnected from the internet. 

>> One cannot find any form of Ccleaner in the computer itself, and only version 5.8 is found in the external backups. 

>> installed version 5.8 from a backup into the computer and open with 5.8. It works.

>> Now, I reboot my computer, and open Ccleaner. However, version 6.11.10455 is now the version, not 5.8. (I have performed this experiment several times this past week, since the problems started.) 


You may never be able to work out how CCleaner updated on your machine. I suspect there may be no exe file as versions as old as yours were autoupdated.

>> Please Reread my posts on page 1, as the answer has been explained more than once. See my later, simpler response that might help as well.

Read from here


 It made a lot of people unhappy as you can see. Nobody (including us moderators) agreed with what was done.

So, there will be no hidden file I suspect and it may be time to accept this thing happened to you as well .

Take care. 

>> Then you would be breaking the laws of science Hazel. You see, a program cannot be downloaded and/or updated when the computer is Not connected to the internet and deemed clean by several programs. Not unless the update is hidden in the computer and we just can’t find it.

So upgrade version 6.11.10455 is in the computer, but where? Did someone hijack the upgrade and release it on the internet? Are you willing to help by suggesting a program to find and delete it Hazel? If this is going to happen to other individuals, don't you think you should have a solution?


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I'll give it one last try:

  •     You say that your Windows 7 machine is offline.
  •     You say that you restore a System Image backup. - Restoring a full system image will completely overwrite whatever was there before.
  •     You say that you don't go online but now have CCleaner v6.11 on the machine.

If you are doing what you say, and  only what you say, then the CCleaner v6.11 MUST be in the System Image that you just restored.
It is the only place that it could be because restoring a System Image will overwrite everything already on the OS drive.

There is one other slight possiblity - you have another drive in the machine and CCleaner v6.11 is installed on that drive rather than on the OS drive.

In the end though if you don't want CCleaner simply uninstall it.

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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More News on the front.

I had uninstalled AVAST free antivirus the other day, and today I find AVAST has been reinstalled but no icon in the tray.

So I uninstalled it again, made sure I could not find any remnants.

I also just tried to run Malwarebytes Premium, and the first time it just sat there and did nothing. No icon in the tray either.

So I closed it and reopened it and hit scan. I am updated but it won't get out of "Update".

Every day it seems like something different. I will reboot again and see what happens.

Could memory malware be causing the problem? I hear it is difficult to find. Do you know much about it?



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To me it sounds like something is on the system that is doing some form of automatic restoration, I haven't a clue what it would be though. I wouldn't imagine it being System Restore because in all it's glory it has very limited functionality and it doesn't have the ability to fully restore 3rd party installed programs. I don't know of malware that would reinstate legitimate software either, especially security related software such as Avast Antivirus that would likely detect it and neutralize it.

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On 29/08/2024 at 22:02, positron7 said:

I powered on my computer and Ccleaner filled the entire screen, locking my computer, and causing considerable damage.

costing me all week's work, running all sorts of antivirus, frst, frst english, and many other programs trying to get it fixed,  repeating my win 7 System Images back to 2018, but to no avail

1 hour ago, positron7 said:

I had uninstalled AVAST free antivirus the other day, and today I find AVAST has been reinstalled but no icon in the tray.  So I uninstalled it again, made sure I could not find any remnants.  I also just tried to run Malwarebytes Premium, and the first time it just sat there and did nothing. No icon in the tray either.

Hi positron7:

I fail to understand how programs like CCleaner and/or Avast Free Antivirus could mysteriously update or reinstall themselves when you keep insisting your machine is completely disconnected from the internet, unless you are performing some sort of system restore or repair that is rolling back your system to an earlier date.

Have you re-applied all updates released prior to end of support for Windows 7 SP1 on 14-Jan-2020 since you restored your system back to 2018, including the KB4474419 update (released 10-Sep-2019) that adds SHA-2 code signing support for digital certificates? If you aren't sure see my 28-Aug-2024 post in Skye's Ccleaner free wont open.

What antivirus programs besides Avast Free AV have you installed, and is there any antivirus or anti-malware program still installed other than Malwarebytes Premium?.  Did you remove the last traces of your Avast Free AV off your system with the Avast removal tool (Avast Clear) as instructed in the support article What To Do When Avast Won't Let You Uninstall From Windows? Any orphaned files or registry entries from Avast Free AV (or any other AV you've run on your Win 7 machine) could interfere with Malwarebytes Premium, even if you've performed an uninstall from Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features, and the last traces of any uninstalled AV should be removed with the manufacturer's removal tool .  Post back if you need help finding the correct AV removal tool(s) for any other AV software you've installed.

If you are certain your Win 7 SP1 OS is fully patched, Avast Free AV and all other uninstalled AV software has been wiped off your system with the manufacturer's removal tool, and you are using Malwarebytes v5.x (Free or Premium, currently v5.1.10.127-1.0.5021) then you are entitled to post in Malwarebytes' Windows Malware Removal Help & Support board and ask a trained malware removal specialist to look for any traces of hidden malware on your system that might have been missed by both your Avast Free AV and Malwarebytes Premium scans.  Instructions on how to collect and post diagnostic logs in that board are included in the pinned post I'm infected - What do I do now?.
Dell Inspiron 15 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4780 * Firefox v130.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24070.5-1.1.24070.3 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.9.124-1.0.5014 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7783 * CCleaner Free Portable v 6.27.11214

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Hi Imacri and thanks for posting. I checked and I am not sure I believe what I found. I will use the >> for my reply.

Hi positron7:

I fail to understand how programs like CCleaner and/or Avast Free Antivirus could mysteriously update or reinstall themselves when you keep insisting your machine is completely disconnected from the internet, unless you are performing some sort of system restore or repair that is rolling back your system to an earlier date.

>> Please reread my previous posts. I am not going to explain it a 5th time. Reread closely.

Have you re-applied all updates released prior to end of support for Windows 7 SP1 on 14-Jan-2020 since you restored your system back to 2018, including the KB4474419 update (released 10-Sep-2019) that adds SHA-2 code signing support for digital certificates? If you aren't sure see my 28-Aug-2024 post in Skye's Ccleaner free wont open.

>> I just checked, after all the Malware Antimalware testing, fixlogs etc. I only have 4 updates on my computer at this time. Zero updates hidden. I had I don’t know how many updates over the years. I have not tried a Restore System Image since last week. Do you think I should undo the work done by other experts at Malware etc by Restoring with System Image?

What antivirus programs besides Avast Free AV have you installed, and is there any antivirus or anti-malware program still installed other than Malwarebytes Premium?. 

>> I just have Malwarebytes Premium and Windows Defender now.

 Did you remove the last traces of your Avast Free AV off your system with the Avast removal tool (Avast Clear) as instructed in the support article What To Do When Avast Won't Let You Uninstall From Windows?

>> I am trying to remember, so much tried. I remember I went into Regedit or something and I could not delete three files because I suddenly did not have “Run as Administrator” Authority. Crazy isn’t it. I will check/try again.

Any orphaned files or registry entries from Avast Free AV (or any other AV you've run on your Win 7 machine) could interfere with Malwarebytes Premium, even if you've performed an uninstall from Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features, and the last traces of any uninstalled AV should be removed with the manufacturer's removal tool .  Post back if you need help finding the correct AV removal tool(s) for any other AV software you've installed.

>> I will do and check back.

If you are certain your Win 7 SP1 OS is fully patched, Avast Free AV and all other uninstalled AV software has been wiped off your system with the manufacturer's removal tool, and you are using Malwarebytes v5.x (Free or Premium, currently v5.1.10.127-1.0.5021) then you are

>> I just checked and updated, which it says it did, but I still just have

entitled to post in Malwarebytes' Windows Malware Removal Help & Support board and ask a trained malware removal specialist to look for any traces of hidden malware on your system that might have been missed by both your Avast Free AV and Malwarebytes Premium scans.  Instructions on how to collect and post diagnostic logs in that board are included in the pinned post I'm infected - What do I do now?.

>> I already have for days and we/they found no problems. In fact they closed my string. I am wondering if they think I am fabricating this. I am not.



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12 minutes ago, positron7 said:

Hi Imacri and thanks for posting. I checked and I am not sure I believe what I found. I will use the >> for my reply.

Hi positron7:

I fail to understand how programs like CCleaner and/or Avast Free Antivirus could mysteriously update or reinstall themselves when you keep insisting your machine is completely disconnected from the internet, unless you are performing some sort of system restore or repair that is rolling back your system to an earlier date.

>> Please reread my previous posts. I am not going to explain it a 5th time. Reread closely.

Have you re-applied all updates released prior to end of support for Windows 7 SP1 on 14-Jan-2020 since you restored your system back to 2018, including the KB4474419 update (released 10-Sep-2019) that adds SHA-2 code signing support for digital certificates? If you aren't sure see my 28-Aug-2024 post in Skye's Ccleaner free wont open.

>> I just checked, after all the Malware Antimalware testing, fixlogs etc. I only have 4 updates on my computer at this time. Zero updates hidden. I had I don’t know how many updates over the years. I have not tried a Restore System Image since last week. Do you think I should undo the work done by other experts at Malware etc by Restoring with System Image?

What antivirus programs besides Avast Free AV have you installed, and is there any antivirus or anti-malware program still installed other than Malwarebytes Premium?. 

>> I just have Malwarebytes Premium and Windows Defender now.

 Did you remove the last traces of your Avast Free AV off your system with the Avast removal tool (Avast Clear) as instructed in the support article What To Do When Avast Won't Let You Uninstall From Windows?

>> I am trying to remember, so much tried. I remember I went into Regedit or something and I could not delete three files because I suddenly did not have “Run as Administrator” Authority. Crazy isn’t it. I will check/try again.

Any orphaned files or registry entries from Avast Free AV (or any other AV you've run on your Win 7 machine) could interfere with Malwarebytes Premium, even if you've performed an uninstall from Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features, and the last traces of any uninstalled AV should be removed with the manufacturer's removal tool .  Post back if you need help finding the correct AV removal tool(s) for any other AV software you've installed.

>> I will do and check back.

If you are certain your Win 7 SP1 OS is fully patched, Avast Free AV and all other uninstalled AV software has been wiped off your system with the manufacturer's removal tool, and you are using Malwarebytes v5.x (Free or Premium, currently v5.1.10.127-1.0.5021) then you are

>> I just checked and updated, which it says it did, but I still just have

entitled to post in Malwarebytes' Windows Malware Removal Help & Support board and ask a trained malware removal specialist to look for any traces of hidden malware on your system that might have been missed by both your Avast Free AV and Malwarebytes Premium scans.  Instructions on how to collect and post diagnostic logs in that board are included in the pinned post I'm infected - What do I do now?.

>> I already have for days and we/they found no problems. In fact they closed my string. I am wondering if they think I am fabricating this. I am not.



I am thinking I am just going to a different newer computer with win 10.  I think I can purchase one from a new store up town.

Now what do I need to worry about with win 10?  


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10 minutes ago, positron7 said:

I am thinking I am just going to a different newer computer with win 10.  I think I can purchase one from a new store up town.

Now what do I need to worry about with win 10?  


10 is (or will be in a few weeks/months) end of life and won't be supported by Microsoft like 7.  At which point it will be just as much a vector for malware as your 7 machine is.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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I know, and version 11 is just a year away.

My printer/scanner won't work with 11 but will with 10. Don't know about the Dell monitor, keyboard, probably not.

With all that has been done these past few days, I am thinking of going back to System Image Restore as last ditch effort

before going to 10, or 11.

Any thoughts?



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I am not going to install Ccleaner again. I could purchase (guaranteed fresh, win 7 and key) after formatting my C: drive

for less money, and all should be clean. But I don't think I should although I like win 7,  but cannot update it.

My favorite has been XP due to its small size vs Win 7.


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On 06/09/2024 at 03:07, positron7 said:

 Do you think I should undo the work done by other experts at Malware etc by Restoring with System Image?

In fact they closed my string. I am wondering if they think I am fabricating this. I am not.


So you already had a support/malware thread open at Malwarebytes and one of the experts was working with you.
Did you not think that you should have told us that before?

When working with one of the experts there you should not be making any changes to your computer other than what they ask/instruct.

I have now found your thread at Malwarebytes, which you started on 27th August only 3 days before you started posting here.

I see that JSntgRvr was working with you. (And AdvancedSetup also chimed in at one point).

Your thread at Malwarbytes has now been closed as you say.
Probably simply because it is 4 days since the last post was made there on Monday, that is standard practice with those help threads and they get closed if there have been no posts for 4 days.
Possibly though it was closed because you expressed your gratitude for their help, and as far as they were concerened the job was complete.

But also possibly because they had noticed that you had been ignoring instructions and asking for help elswhere whilst they were still in the middle of helping you.
JSntgRvr clearly stated - in red text:


Do not make any changes to your computer that include installing/uninstalling programs, deleting files, modifying the registry, nor running scanners or tools of any kind unless specifically requested by me.


JSntgRvr found no malware on your machine, but did find corrupt Windows system files.
He suggested that you register at Sysnative forums for further help with fixing that corruption.

You kept asking questions and he gave you a specific list of Windows related KB's and other files that you needed to update.

He then instructed you how to clean up after the work that you had been doing together.
That help thread was then closed.

A malware removal expert has declared that you machine does not have malware.

He did find corrupt Windows files and advised what you need to do to repair them.

IF you have done those Windows repairs as instructed/advised then -
If you do that then you will just be undoing what you have done, removing any updates that you have made, and putting those corrupted system files back and then you will then need to repair them all over again and do all the recommended updates again.

In fact I suspect that is exactly what is happening here - you are restoring old system images and so undoing all the repair work you may have done.

I don't see that there is anything much extra we can add here to what you were advised at Malwarebytes..

Other than as already said - If you don't want CCleaner on your Win 7 machine then simply uninstall it.

However as you appear to have already accepted that the Win 7 machine is corrupted/broken,  is only going to get worse, and that you need a new machine then I suggest that is the way that you should go and stop wasting time on a machine that you are unable to fix.

I hope that you will be happier with your new machine when you do get it.

As this thread now appears to be going round in circles then, like the Malwarebytes one, I will close this one.


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Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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