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[Resolved] Recuva won't scan external disk when Disk drill will


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I just bought the software having used CCleaner and Defraggler many many years ago. Because of the funny old posts at the top, I initially thought this community is dead!

I deleted a music drive off my external disk this evening. As shown in the screenshot drill disk found everything including all the folders which is vital on the first scan. I don't want to pay 100 to them so bought yours instead. But I get this annoying message no drives were scanned because none match the filter? I have e selected. How can I get past this and recover my stuff?


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Try running Recuva with nothing at all in the file/path filter box.

What does 'I deleted a music drive off my external disk' mean? What did you delete, from where?

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When I run your software with no mask it does not find my mp3 files.
I ran Disk Drill again, no config, just scan disk and after max 5 min scan it finds all the files I am looking for:


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It's almost impossible to say as there's no picture or information about what settings you're using or what Recuva has found, except for a file count.

Folder names are held in the MFT, so for DD to find the folder names must mean that the folder structure can be regenerated. What is the Recuva equivalent of the DD screenshot? Does it find a Trash folder and if so what folders are inside it? I assume that Trash folder is a user created folder? Also the number of files in the Trash folder is exactly the same as in the recycle bin, is that a coincidence? And I'm curious why a presumably needed music folder is in your Trash folder.

By the way the Total, Video and Audio file counts differ for the two runs of DD, so something is happening to the disk.

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12 hours ago, Augeas said:

By the way the Total, Video and Audio file counts differ for the two runs of DD, so something is happening to the disk.

I note that the drive is a Maxtor One Touch 3.

That's meant for use as a dedicated backup drive and comes with its own backup software.
Are you using it for backups? (I notice that there is a 'Maxtor Backup' folder).
Is the backup software  still running and so may be overwriting what is/was on the drive?

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Your response does not bode well :-(

 have never used that backup software, it is not installed. I reran the disk drill analysis I posted last after your software's analysis.

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Good to hear that you got it sorted out.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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