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'Wipe Drive' issues


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I have made sure that CCLeaner is the latest version.

I made sure it was on entire drive in the option. Slected the drive then clicked ok.

I then get a pop up window which has a box to type something in with nothing t state what needs to be typed in. and has two buttons 'ok' & 'cancel' the ok but can't be clicked and the cancel button does cancel.

No drive is wiped!


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No only the one I want to blast clean! It was previously someone else's computer hard drive. The only one in their machine and had loads of corrupt files & pups!

I had renamed it 'Stump'


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Cut your losses. Quick Format the drive, then run WFS.

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... if i can?

not quick format -> standard format -> since an update for a while w7 and newer can format a drive with standard format and the drive will be filled with stuff

Versions of CCleaner Cloud; Introduction Ccleaner Cloud;

Ccleaner-->System-Requirements; Ccleaner FAQ´s; Ccleaner builds; Scheduling Ccleaner Free


Es ist möglich, keine Fehler zu machen und dennoch zu verlieren. Das ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche. Das ist das Leben -> "Picard"

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