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Chrome cleanup is not complete

Timothy Bereman

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Timothy Bereman

Progressively, I noticed it was taking longer and longer to cleanup Google Chrome after closing the browser.  There was a tremendous amount of hard drive activity during the analyze phase.  I learned the directory named "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache\js" had accumulated approximately 250,000 files.  I can find no reason online why files accumulate in this directory.  Regardless of why the files are written to that directory, why doesn't CCleaner remove them?  I removed them manually and Google Chrome still operates just fine.  Additionally, CCleaner completes the analysis and the cleaning operation in a fraction of the time it was taking before.  After removing all of those files, Chrome starts writing hundreds of more files in that directory.  Why doesn't CCleaner delete the files found in that directory?

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2 hours ago, Timothy Bereman said:

 I learned the directory named "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache\js" had accumulated approximately 250,000 files.  I can find no reason online why files accumulate in this directory.

 "... \Code Cache\js" is where Chrome stores Javascript files that it has gathered from webpages and compiled.

This is done so that when Chrome encounters the same javascript again it doesn't need to compile it again but can use the already compiled one from "Code Cache\js", saving a little bit of time loading pages.
If you delete that cache then all it means is that Chrome will have to recompile a java script if/when it comes across it again, (which is why the js cache fills up again).
Most users wouldn't notice the time saved anyway, unless they have a very slow CPU or slow internet connection to start with.

As to why CCleaner doesn't clear it by default who can say? It may be a deliberate choice not to or it may be an oversight.
As Hazelnut said, if you want to clear it when you run CCleaner then just use Custom Clean and make the "Code Cache\js" directory an 'Include'.
(You have to use Custom Clean to do that, Easy Clean/Health Check uses its own cleaning rules)

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Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Timothy Bereman

Interesting information.  I can think of no reason why approximately 250,000 files, named such as 00d8869c615168b2_0, should be allowed to accumulate in a directory.  CCleaner feels compelled to recurse that directory, apparently examining the contents, yet doing nothing with them.  And because that directory was examined, CCleaner was taking nearly five times as long to complete a clean-up.  With that directory cleaned, CCleaner takes virtually no time at all performing a clean-up after closing Google Chrome.  In addition, CCleaner performed so well for me I never needed to include a specific directory for cleaning.  Frankly, I forgot the capability was there.  Thank you for the suggestion.  I will see if that works for me.

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I can think of no reason why Chrome does a lot of things it does.

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Timothy Bereman

I added the path of C:\Users\Timothy\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache\js\*.* as an included directory.  When I close Chrome, and accept CCleaner's offer to clean up, none of the files in that directory are deleted.  In fact, after browsing various sites for 45 minutes, 685 files had accumulated in that directory.  The failure to delete them was not due to the files being protected.  I can select all of the files after closing Chrome and all of them are easily deleted.  Is there a particular trick in creating an Included directory in CCleaner?

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You seem to have that right, here are my current includes, (Yes I use CCleaner to get rid of some of its own files after an update).

Just to state again (for anyone else reading this).
As said above you have to use Custom Clean to clean includes (and ignore excludes).
You also need to select "Custom Files and Folders" in Custom Clean. (see below).
If you are using Easy Clean/Health Check then it uses its own settings and will not clean your includes.

But I see that you are using Smart Cleaning, which may be the issue here:


When I close Chrome, and accept CCleaner's offer to clean up, none of the files in that directory are deleted.

So you have Smart Cleaning set to clean Chrome on closing.
But I'm not sure if Smart Cleaning will use your includes, I suspect that it may well work like EC/HC and use it's own settings instead.
(I can't test it myself because I'm running CCleaner Free here which does not include Smart Cleaning).

Two things to try:

Firstly make sure that you have "Custom Files and folders" selected in Custom Cleans settings.
You need to have that selected for your includes to be cleaned.

Once you have that selected then if it still doesn't work with Smart Cleaning - make sure that there are files in that cache/directory and then try running an analyze manually in Custom Clean and see if that picks up the includes.

If you are still having problems after that then look in Task Manager to check that Chrome is completely closed and that part of it is not still running in the background.

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Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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LOL, you beat me to it - I'd just edited my post to include that.

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Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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