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Ccleaner crashes!


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I used Ccleaner for years, but now it crashes permanently, even after reinstallation (Windows 10, newest free version), as several other users posted. There doesn't seem to be a solution so far, not even a response from the Ccleaner-team (a moderator: " I've flagged both threads up for the staff to bring to the attention of the developers.") A pity, I remove Ccleaner and go searching for alternatives.

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2 hours ago, jboelaert said:

I used Ccleaner for years, but now it crashes permanently, even after reinstallation (Windows 10, newest free version), as several other users posted. There doesn't seem to be a solution so far, not even a response from the Ccleaner-team (a moderator: " I've flagged both threads up for the staff to bring to the attention of the developers.") A pity, I remove Ccleaner and go searching for alternatives.

That was myself who flagged those two threads.
The developers have been working with the original posters to resolve the issue.

That particular issue appears to be a problem with Bitdefender, especially on 32-bit Windows, causing some apps to crash (not just CCleaner)..
CCleaner developers can't change Bitdefender, that's up to Bitdefender to fix.
If you have Bitdefender, especially on 32-bit, and CCleaner is crashing then try making CCleaner an exception in Bitdefender.

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Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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Hola, He estado usado Ccleaner durante muchísimos años, lo gracioso, que de windows 7, pasé a windows 10, y de repente me bloquean la geolocalización, total que me pone "No está permitido el uso del producto en su ubicación actual, lo cual , Vivo en Madrid, españa y no deberia pasarme esto, contactó varias veces con piriforme y parece que les da igual porque nunca me han respondido y me gustaria que me dieran algún tipo de solución, desde entonces tenia pensado comprar la versión pro, pero viendo este problema, que me gaste un dinero y me haga lo mismo, no pienso arriesgarme a malgastar dinero para nada. Ojala me da un podais dar algún consejo y espero que me responda porque ya estoy cansado que las grandes empresas pasen de los usuarios como si no valieramos nada. 

os dejo mi correo por si podeis ayudarme: email address removed to avoid spamming.

problema ccleaner.jpg

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Google translate... por favor use en el futuro

Hello, I have been using Ccleaner for many years, how funny, that of windows 7, I went to windows 10, and suddenly I block the geolocation, total that puts me "It is not allowed to use the product in its current location, which , I live in Madrid, Spain and this should not happen to me, I contacted several times with piriformis and it seems that they don't care because they have never responded to me and I would like them to give me some kind of solution, since then I had planned to buy the pro version, but seeing this problem, that I spend a money and do the same thing to me, I do not plan to risk wasting money at all. Hopefully you can give me some advice and I hope you answer me because I am tired of the big companies going from users as if We would not be worth anything.

I leave my email in case you can help me:


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It is not a problem with CCleaner, it is a problem at your Internet Provider.

You have been allocated an IP that was previously issued to a banned country, probably Iran, but has now been re-issued to Spain.
We have seen this happen with a few users  -  Spain and Italy seem to be the most affected.

You will find you have the same problem with other programmes as well as CCleaner - they will all think that you are in Iran and not Spain.
You will need to contact your Internet Service Provider to get this sorted out and maybe a different IP allocated to your router connection.
(An alternative is to use a VPN to change your IP to a different country).

See this earlier post about this subject:

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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