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Einfache Bereinigung:

nicht eindeutig zu verstehen ist:  "Wählen Sie alle Elemente ab, die Sie nicht bereinigen möchten"

Soll man Häkchen entfernen oder Häkchen setzen?

Eindeutig wäre: "Wählen Sie alle Elemente, die Sie.....


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Google translate,

''Simple cleanup:

is not clear: "Select all items that you do not want to clean up"

Should you remove check mark or checkmark?

It would be clear: "Select all the elements that you ..''


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Isn't translator wonderful :lol:

I believe that the OP is talking about Easy Clean and the 'Review' options:



If you untick an option then it will not be cleared.
If you leave it ticked then it will be cleaned.

Note that with Easy Clean/Health Check you have to do this everytime you do a new clean, it will not 'remember' what you ticked/unticked last time.

*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Wondering about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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