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CCleaner Pro on Windows10 64 Bit not updateing

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The below request was posted on Piriform support on May 26, 2018 but stlill waiting for a solution. this is frustrating. I am pasting below the body of my request / compalin below:-
"I purchased CCleaner Pro on 24th May 2018. Invoice Number AKD-73663356635, Reference Number 136937040, Name: RANABIR GHOSH, Activation Key: CTX5-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-YU4C installed on my new desktop PC with Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit. On running, "Update" dialogue box automatically comes up. If I click "Update", Error Message gives three options: "Register" "Purchase" "Cancel".
If I Click "Register" and provide the required details to register - Name and Activation Key, it says "Enter new code" and update fails!
Then again Update dialogue box comes up and the same process goes on in a purtpetual loop.
I have two CCleaner pro Licenses one for this new Desk top PC and one for my Laptop with Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit, which works without any problem. Please help or return my money and I will uninstall this buggy software.
I have also attached screen shots (4 nos) with above complain."
(In my original message to support, I provided the full Activation Key)
Till date no help is renedered or no action is taken from Piriform's end. I have purchased more than 60 softwares from different companies including Microsoft but never faced this kind of problem or casual attitude by their support. I am really dissapointed with Piriform support.
I also sent them a reminder email yesterday with my original Request #277246 but got no reply NOT EVEN AN ACKNOELEDGEMENT (DISGUSTING).
I am attaching the Cleverbridge invoice and ERROR MESSAGE screen shots for your use.



Edited by Ranabir
Corrected some typing errors
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Guest Stephen CCleaner

Hi Ranabir,

I don't know the cause of the issue you encountered in the software, but I would like to comment on the speed of response. 

26th May was a Saturday, and we had a reduced Support team over the weekend including Monday 28th as it was a bank holiday in the UK. After long weekends like this, and especially during the summer months when people take holiday, it may take a bit longer for the team to get back to you as there is a bigger backlog to go through. Since your post 2 days ago, you should definitely have received a response. If that is not the case, send me a direct message here on the forums and I'll look into it.

In the case that you're not satisfied, we'll be happy to refund you.

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I ultimately got a response from piriform on 30th may after I posted my problem in this forum.

I was asked to uninstall the version of CCeaner I purchased and reinstalled the updated version and re-register. Which I have already done from common sense.

But I again did it as instructed, by bdownloading it from the link provided by Andrei of Piriform Support.

Now I have to wait till the next update is published and see whether the automatic update issue is resolved or not.

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