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CCleaner is not Cleaning All Temp Files

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Temp files seems to be an issue for CCleaner.

My setup:

  • Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i7-8809G
  • CCleaner is fully licensed
  • CClean set up for Windows browsers and Applications Browsers (Chrome) to clean cache, history, temp internet files, history, cookies, etc


After running the cleaner, CCleaner is not removing all of the Temporary files, specifically:

  • Temp Folder
  • Main user: Temporary Internet files folder
  • Public: %systemroot%\System32 (64bit).tmp files
  • Public: Window Temp folder

Is there a way to configure the cleaner so that it picks up these folders as part of the cleaning function?

Attached is an image of the directories above right after running CCleaner



CCleaner Captured.PNG

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