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AVG Free or CCleaner Help?


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I did use search button and found no topics relating to my question. I use AVG Free as my anti virus, i also use CCleaner, i had this problem before and stopped using CCleaner, but i recently updated my pc to winxp pro sp2, and decided to try CCleaner once again, but whether or not i have avg turned on or off, i end find issues thru CCleaner, missing mui references, active x issues, i assume they are problems so i delete them thru CCleaner, however afterwards my avg no longer works. i really like CCleaner and avg, and i am all about free software, but is this an issue that can be fixed or do i choose which software to using again? avg or ccleaner?...thanks in advance for any help what so ever!

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Open winapp.ini located in the CCleaner program folder and search for Grisoft to find out what junk files CCleaner offers to clean.


Also when installing AVG7 on WinXP the AVG7 installation creates a reference in the registry that points to a .dll file that it doesn't even install. Therefore CCleaner and just about any other registry cleaner will detect that non existing .dll file as invalid and offer to remove it. Removing that .dll reference "shouldn't" cause AVG7 any harm.


If you suspect CCleaner is actually damaging your install of AVG7 untick Grisoft AVG 7.0 in the Cleaner settings so that CCleaner will completely ignore AVG7.

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thanks for your reply...i think i forgot to mention that this problems occurs when i use the "issues" button in ccleaner, unticking avg7 didnt change anything, i unticked it going to "cleaner", then "applications", scanned for cleaner issues found nothing in regards to avg, ran "issues" again and the same issues i mentioned show up, there are three actual .dll issues in regards to avg...thanks again for your response and ur suggestions...i will keep playing with it...

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Well you could let the Issues scanner remove the AVG7 references and when prompted let CCleaner make the backup .reg file and save it into My Documents, and then rename to a more proper name like "Fix AVG7.reg." That way if you forget and allow CCleaner to remove the issues all you'd have to do is double click that .reg file and reboot to repair AVG7.


It's strange that it broke AVG7 as it didn't on my system. It's especially strange if those .dll files don't exist, however this isn't the first instance of someone stating the Issues scanner broke their antivirus.

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thanx for all your help...i dont really know what happened, but the first time i ran ccleaner, it broke avg, i completely uninstalled avg(and ran ccleaner), reinstalled avg and now it is fine, after re-install ccleaner found same issues, however this time it still works..so maybe the first install was corrupt or something, but all is fine now...strange, and again thnx for help!

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