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Defraggler run time


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I defrag on a daily basis. I have found that if I start the defrag process and leave the computer for two or more hours, the program either doesn't advance or advances 1% or so. If I run the program in the background while working on other matters, it seems to work continuously and completes in one hour +. Is this a common problem?



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G'day warren and welcome,


no it's not common at all.


my first guess would be to say that when you leave your PC idle on the assumption DF should run better, perhaps other background tasks are triggered as they discover the unit is now 'idle'.

for example, Windows maintenance, AV scans.


also, the PC may be going into a power save mode which is affecting DF.


what Windows do you run?


and as a side note, running DF (or any high I/O intensive task) on a daily basis is overkill - unless - there is either a real good need or a discernible benefit.

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Thanks for your reply. I run Windows 10. If using DF on a daily basis is overkill, you've just given me some free time. Thanks!



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you'd be spending all the time, each day, doing a defrag and achieving almost no benefit.

you'll most likely never hit the magical 0% file fragmented figure, and if you did, the next reboot would destroy all that effort.


I maybe defrag the mechanical drive every 6 months, and even then, I only Analyse, then sort by number of frags column and do the first few handfuls, then resort by size column and again, do the first few handfuls.

in other words, smallest effort, greatest gain.


enjoy your free time, start a hobby, play with the grandkids - life is short. :)

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