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Not sure if Recuva has found what I'm looking for.


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So around a week ago I deleted a few .rtf files, and a load of .jpg Steam screenshots, but I've decided I'd like them back, so of course, here I am.

I know that having been a week there's a chance the files I'm looking for have been overwritten already, but for some reason Recuva can't seem to find even a trace of their existence any more. I had a deep scan of my HDD (but not my SSD) running today while I was at work, but sadly came home to find that that it hadn't found any of the files I was looking for.


My confusion, however, comes from the fact that Recuva lists all the deleted files it has found and rates them based on how likely it is that they can be recovered still. When I did this deep scan of my drive, it didn't even find the files in an overwritten, unrecoverable state. It simply didn't find anything. Not a trace of even a single .rtf file anywhere on the drive, or any of the Steam screenshots, whose filenames all began with '2017', so that's how I searched for them. I was prepared for the possibility that I might at least find the files overwritten, but it's as if the files never existed in the first place.


Am I doing something wrong? Have I missed a step? Should I try another deep scan of the entire PC this time? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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